Friday, November 01, 2019

A little introduction to League of Legends...

Hey Charlie !

Today I'm going to introduce you to a very popular game that I like and have been playing for 4 years soon. It's the strategy online game called League of Legends, it was developed and released in 2009 by the video-game company Riot Games who has two other video games to their names to this day. The game is classed in the M.O.B.A category of video games. Indeed, M.O.B.A stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. League of Legends's most popular game mode is called the Summoner's Rift, a map which puts two teams against each other and whose goal is to destroy the other team’s nexus, which is the powerhouse of all the other structures of the team's base, in order to win the game. The base leads to three lanes : the top lane, the middle lane and the bottom lane which are protected by a very important building, the turret, they are disseminated equally on each lane up to the number of two and slay any enemy who would dare trespass it's range, unless it is destroyed for it has like each building a life bar. Hence to be destroyed the enemy nexus spawns each 30 seconds, 3 waves of minions marching on their respective lane, releasing gold and experience to the last-hitting champions upon death. Their aim is to destroy enemy structures and enemy minions. To reach the nexus, the team has to go through at least: three outer turrets, an inhibitor and two inner turrets, for they are, except the two inner turrets defending the nexus, the minimum of building disposed on each lane. Between every lane there's the jungle which is the gathering of many lairs of monsters giving experience, buffs, gold and unique abilities upon death, they all have a specific time of re spawn. Among them are epic monsters : The Clouds, Mountain, Infernal, Ocean and Ancestral Drakes, the Baron Nashor and the Rift Herald, each giving specific buffs (buff is the video-game slang for a temporal power boost in any domain), sometimes depending on which monster we have killed before hand.
That is it for the description of the map, may be an image will give a clear visualization.

Now, to the most interesting part of League of Legends, it's the characters which we can actually play, the champions. Each of the five summoners on the team can chose among more than 150 champions each having it's unique abilities, spells, lore, etc. Each summoner's chooses/is assigned a pre-defined role designed to optimize the occupation the map and chances to win the game, and according to the role they have, they chose an appropriate champion to assume it : The Top-laner is occupying in solitary the top-lane and is a usually a melee champion who can sustain a lot of damage; The Jungler get his experience from the jungle and can vary from assassin, tank (sustaining-guy just like the toplaner), mage to marksman; the Mid-laner occupying the middle lane and can also vary from mage,marksman to assassin; the A.D.C standing for Attack Damage Carry, is a marksman occupying the bottom-lane; the Support is obviously supporting, but only the A.D.C on the bottom-lane for he converts all of his experience and gold on damage and none on defense, making him really weak.

That is it for the roles and sadly that is also it for this blog Charlie. I know, i'm sorry to wrap it like that but you have got to understand that League of Legends is not only a simple game but is a universe with specificity so complex it would take me pages and pages of text for you to get a global and novice view of it. As an example I'm going to show you some of the things I didn't go into details to avoid death by boredom. -Lore -E-sports - Patches -Abilities -Items -Stats -Ranking system -Servers/Regions -Events -Economic system -Summoner's Spells and other general important techniques complicated to vulgarize. You see, it took me a hole year of playing to grasp the game fully, but it's not only just a strategy game it's also, as you have guessed it for a free game who has now been on the market for 10 years and still on top with 33 millions monthly players, a lot of fun !

Anyway, there's a good vulgarization of the League of Legends' basic mechanics. Until next time Charlie, Fare thee well !


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  3. Hello there Marwan, kind of a surprise you've done a blog about this game because I also really enjoy playing it. I've been playing it since season 4 so far so for at least 6 years :3. I hope we can play together sometimes My username is Horebb :).
