Saturday, February 20, 2016

A beautiful and surprising city

Dear Charlie,

during the holidays I had the chance to visit a city where I have never been before and that isn't so far away from France: Brussel, in Belgium.

I really looove northern countries of Europe and I wanted to see Belgium for a while, not only for the food, but because of its architecture and importance in the UE.

I stayed there five days and walked all day long  to see the more I could of this lovely city. I barely broke my neck because of looking at the beautiful buildings and my feet hurt more than you can imagine, but it was really worth it!

Magritte Museeum - Empire Of Light
Magritte Museeum

This is a very vivid place with a lot of cafés, shops, museeums (which are great!!!) and in any situation the people are really, really nice!

I think there are some good universities there and that it is a nice city where to study!

European Parliament

Anyway, I had a lovely time, I recommend you to go there and see by yourself as soon as possible!

Bye xxx


  1. It looks like a very beautiful city. I've never been there before but the buildings look very cool especially the European Parliament.

  2. The European Parilament looks so futuristic... It really looks beautiful

  3. *debates internally over whether or not she's going to talk about how much she loves Belgium and is proud to be belgian* oh well I guess I've talked about it now x)
    Have you seen the Atomium and little Europe ? They're really worth it ;)

  4. Ahah! No I didn't Judith, but I wish I can go back soon and see other things there (I'll put it on my list)!
    And I agree with you Kellian, it reminds me of the movie Robots:

  5. I also think Brussel is a lovely city! Soo, in the end did you went to the chocolate museum or not? Because it really worth it, there is a degustation at the end :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I would love to go to Brussels (English spelling)too. Thanks for the encouragement. So far, I've only visited Bruges, and the industrial town of Seraing, through the films of the wonderful Dardenne brothers! Anybody else got Belgian towns to recommend? Or Belgian cultural figures?

  8. By the way, Charlotte Brontë's great Victorian novel "Villette" is set in Brussels. "Villette" was her name for the city.
