Sunday, February 14, 2016

OIB's official anthem

Hey Charlie!

So something came to our mind with Judith, what if the OIB had an official anthem? You know, a song that everyone should know and that represents the section? We were curious about your propositions, we hesitated between "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "I Want to Break Free", both by god itself Queen.

What about your propositions? We would love to know if the concept does interest you and if yes, do you agree with our choices or do you have other ideas?

See y'all!

Kellian and Judith.


  1. I thought you had written the lyrics and sung an anthem just for the OIB or something, it scared me for a second.
    I think if we wanted to choose an anthem for the OIB, it would need to be a song linked to it, through the title or the lyrics. Even though the two songs you chose are really good, I don't see the link between them and the OIB.
    And I wonder, what use would such a thing have ? I mean, when would you plan to use it ?

  2. For Bohemian Rhapsody it was Judy's idea. And I thought that I Want To Break Free was somehow a representation of the feeling we get in the OIB. Not that we want to break free, but that we somehow we broke free, we feel free to be ourselves in the secion becasue we know that we are surronded by good persons.
    And on the "useful" plan: honestly there are no use, I just though about a little something that could be cool.

  3. It was originally NOT my idea, it was Kellian's. But then he changed his mind and I didn't ^^' sooo, now I'm looking for a link between the OIB and Bohemian Rhapsody... OK, I need time for that. Maybe it could be the anthem, but with no logical reason for it ! After all, why should there be any logic to something that is not really going to have a use ?

  4. Well it might not have a proper use (I think it could guys) yet it still need to be somehow representative of OIB, if is it's our anthem, something that links us all together, reminds us of those moments we shared in the section and stuff. Maybe it could be one song for each promotion.

  5. Hello everyone! I think an anthem is a great idea and it was actually on my agenda for next year. If you feel like starting on it now, we should. You are right to refer to songs you like but I think you should write your own lyrics so that it really reflects the OIB and what it means to all of us. This is also why I don't think we should choose a different one for each year group.
    What is the point of it? Some OIB fun, we could sing it during our integration day, for our graduation ceremony, a special event or simply whenever we felt like it. Any volunteers for this new OIB project?
    Don't feel daunted,put on your thinking hats and keep me posted.
    Mrs. C.

  6. I know it should be linked to the OIB, I was just trying to justify my stubbornness. So, OK, I admit, maybe Bohemian Rhapsody has nothing to do with us and should not be used as an anthem. Especially not if we're going to write one ourselves ^^'

  7. I agree, it would be cool to have a OIB song but it's gunna be hard to find a song everybody likes.

  8. Maybe some day soon, we'll have a pupil from Bohemia...

  9. I too, love the concept and love Queen (god Itself if you prefer)!!

  10. I too, love the concept and love Queen (god Itself if you prefer)!!
