Wednesday, February 18, 2015


    Dear Charlie,
As you may know, this week end, the Model United Nations organised by Sciences Po Aix took place and I participated in the debate.
I was representing the Argentinian delegation, even if Mr. Leah was unhappy with my choice, and was among many other countries such as China, Malawi or the United Kingdom.
It was a great experience because I met people from various horizons, some were from Luynes International School, others from Nice University or Sciences Po. Besides, we discussed a most interesting topic which was "How to combat the impoverishment of the young population?" and had to act exactly as if we were representing our countries in the real United Nations.
At first, I was lost because of all the technical terms and the speeches of the other delegates but after a time, I started to act in the debate.
I would like to thank Mr. Léveque for giving me the opportunity to participate in this MUN, helping me on my position paper and for coming to the Saturday session. For that I also want to thank Carla, Amanda and King who were there too.


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