Tuesday, December 01, 2020

The fabulous non-binary spectrum

Hello Charlie!

I am back on the blog to talk to you about the beautiful non-binary spectrum. I have already made an article about an aspect of the LGBTQ+ community (I actually talked about the aces).

Before reading this, please just remember that you are valid and beautiful no matter what your sexual orientation or your gender is, you are worthy and you deserve a LOT of love.
Also, you don't have to label yourself if you are not comfortable with it.

What is being non-binary?

Non-binary people can feel that they have a third gender, or that they are both male and female, or they can feel that they don’t have any gender, etc… Actually, the non-binary spectrum is very diverse, and you can find a lot of labels in it, this is why I will introduce you some of them.

This flag is the non-binary flag.


Bigender people are people experiencing two genders, they can experience both genders at the same time or varying between them.

The bigender flag


Pangender people experience every gender it’s possible for them to be.

The pangender flag.


People who identify as genderfluid have a flexible gender, it varies over time, for example, they will identify as bigender when they wake up, then as demigirl, then as man, etc…

The genderfluid flag.


Being agender means that you do not identify as being any specific gender.

The agender flag.

Demigender (demiboy and demigirl) 

Demiboys feel between male and non-binary, demigirls feel between female and non-binary.

The demigender flag

(for the demiboy one, the yellow lines are blue, and for the demigirl one, those lines are pink)


Neutrois people have a neutral gender, a gender that is neither male nor female, it’s not a mix of both binary genders, it is a third gender, apart from male and female.

The neutrois flag.


Someone who is multigender is someone who has more than one gender, so bigenders, pangenders and genderfluid are included in this term.

This is the multigender flag, even if each more specific label has its own.

These are some genders from the non-binary spectrum, of course there are many other labels in the non binary spectrum, and people that just don't want a particular label.

If I put something wrong in my article, don't hesitate to tell me what I have to change, also if you have any question, i would be enchanted to give you answers!

Have a great day!

Simone :)


  1. Your articles are always so useful and make me learn new things, thanks !!

    1. Thank you! I really enjoy making them haha

  2. omg I've been waiting for this article for soooooo long and I'm so happy you wrote it. as usual it's super helpful and I learnt a lot of things. btw the non binary spectrum has the best flags;)

    1. Thank you Juliette! (yes the non-binary flags are perfect)

  3. Your articles are literally the best!! They are always so clear and well explained! I'm really happy to see an article about the enby spectrum so yeah thanks :)

    1. You're so nice! Thank you! I really wanted to explain a (little) part of the spectrum, we don't talk about it enough

  4. Hello Simone ! Thank you for your fabulous article which is very interesting and made me learn a lot of new things !

    Otherwise, I have an interesting anecdote : I was talking to an adult about the LGBTQ+ community and the non-binary spectrum ( thanks to the great articles of Charlie's OIB ). He found that he was not helping these communities to have such complicate and different names, and it made them complex to understand to the general public.
    I answered him that it was a step required toward the normalization of every kind of gender, sexual/romantic attraction, etc...

    I agree that all these names to classify people feeling different can be kind of absurd but I think we need this step to make understand everyone that it exists many ways of being and that they are all VALID. They are out of the norm society for now but it can change if we talk about it.

    What do you think ?

    1. Wow it's really interesting, well I think that we should talk about it in private messages because it will be easier to talk and debate about it :)

    2. So, really your articles is great ! But now, I wanna see the debate hehe

  5. Thanks for shedding some light on an often undiscussed subject !

  6. im so happy to see this subject discussed on the blog, gender is,,,weird, and its nice to see an article about less represented identities

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Your article is so helpful and complete, I didn't know all of these labels. Thank you!
