Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Put your hand in the cookie jar !

After a long and tiring day, imagine having to walk home in the cold or take the bus while night is fallen. You come home freezed to death because it’s 5 degrees outside and of course the mistral is very present, that’s what makes our beautiful city ;). Let’s go back to it, so, you enter your warm home, you take off your mask, and then.... a scrumptious smell comes from the other side of the kitchen door. You can feel your stomach smelling as well the beautiful perfume. You enter the kitchen and you are immediately bewitched. What could we all hope to see of the counter? Yeah... of course we all agree with some golden chocolate chip cookies. 

Don’t worry, I did not awaken you curiosity and hunger for nothing. I got you. 

I present you the great, the famous Chocolate Chunk Cookies. No, no, non you do not need to thank me, I mean, not until you have made them. 

Let’s get to it. Put your prettiest apron, we don’t want to get dirty, wash your hands and off we go.

You'll need:

-70g of brown sugar

-70g of caster sugar 

-125g of butter (obviously salted butter always tastes better )

-1 egg 

-175g of plain flour

-1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (I personally don’t use bicarbonate of soda)

-175g of chocolate chunks (I never respect that dose, it depends on how sad I am :))

So, you start by mixing both sugars together and then you add the butter (it’s easier to mix if it’s soften). Then you leave everything on the table and you go preheat your oven to 190 degrees. Then, you put the egg, you mixed it all up... add the flour, mixed it all up... THEN, best part! You add the chocolate chips (we all know that some of them are never going to touch the cookie dough). That’s it, as easy as that, as we say, happiness comes always from the little things. You just have to spoon the cookie dough on the tray by making little balls (add some chocolate chunks at the top of each cookie) and then straight to the oven for 10-12 minutes. Little advice: take them out when they are a bit golden on the sides but don’t seem quite ready in the center, you’ll then have some nice soft cookies. 

Leave them to cool for a couple of minutes... and they are ready! A breakup? A mental breakdown? Craving for sugar? These cookies adapt to all your needs. 

I hope you’ll have the best cookies ever and I apologize to everyone trying to not eat too much before Christmas :)

It was a pleasure to participate in your happiness.

Signed: Charline Mugnier 

1 comment:

  1. Reading this made me feel warm on a cold Sunday , thank you for the amazing recipe . I've been looking for a new cookies recipes , I'll definitely try this one during the holidays :)
