Thursday, December 10, 2020

the trip that we should have had

Hi Charlie,

I’m gonna show you four photos and you will have to spot the odd one:

You need the answer? We won’t go to three of them but may go to the last one…

No Finland, nor London, nor Dublin, but, maybe, Roubayyyy (yes)

That little joke to tell you that because of so many reasons among which Covid, we were not able to have a trip for our promotion… Well, I’m sure you know it, but my real reason for writing is actually that I would like to propose something to you: a new trip.

This morning, we had no philosophy class because the teacher was away for an hour, and thanks to this, plenty of us met in the study room, and we then discussed the topic of the trip. And what we figured out was quite great actually: indeed the frustration comes a lot from our impossibility to visit the place we were supposed to go to, but what lies in the frustration a lot too is, I think, and we think shall I say, the impossibility to meet as a large group, because we really have this feeling of group, that for sure comes from the fact that we were together for now such a long time. Thus, we really feel like we’d love to go somewhere all together, no matter where. What seems to matter even more than the place is really the feeling of being as a group we like a lot. Even though this seems a bit cliché and may not be true to everyone, I think it’s still quite right to say so.

SOOOOOO what I’m proposing is:

(I’ll sort of take the role of the travel agency, but anyway)

1 A trip to a foreign country (but it seems complicated because of Covid)

2 A trip to somewhere in France

Just the idea of being together for a week somewhere would be great! Either because the bac exams, to have, as some proposed, a kind of revision week, but, honestly, it seems quite complicated and I’m not sure it would actually really work.

But maybe the best thing to do is still to have a trip after all bac exams, or at least after we took our oib exams and have just the grand oral left, so that we have a week where we can really relax. We don’t know each other much in such a context, a context in which are free not to do much, so I think it would be kinda cool to have this moment with not - or few - homework to do and to have the possibility to just relax.

So, Charlie, I’m hoping that you’ll have had understood what I was trying to tell you: give us a trip!

And, maybe on a more realistic note (well I hope what I said above was quite realistic too but...), just wanted to remind you that Marseille is full of resources and I think that, now that the travel limit was extended to 30 kms, you may want to go and have fun in the mountains, the Calanques, whatever… it may be the new spirit of “avant-garde” (okay I’m completely off-topic but anyway I shall get used to it)


  1. You actually made me cry , of sadness or laughter , you decide !
    But yeah I'm tired of the world's injustice, we've been robbed of our trip two times now it's enough ! But anyways I feel like this class has been going on a journey for a long time now haha
