Tuesday, December 08, 2020

 Hi Charlie, I hope you're doing okay

Today, I'll be writing an article about how to deal with the OIB and high school in general.

I know that for some people (I am particularly thinking of the 2nde), it might be a big change to go from junior high school to senior high school, which is even truer when you enter the OIB. So here are a few things that might help you get on with it.

1/ Find an activity to do outside of school

Although it could seem impossible to find some time for yourself with all your workload, it's very important. One reason for this is that if you stress yourself all the time, you will be less productive than if you take some time to relax (although it seems quite paradoxical to work better if you work less). For example, you can practice a bit of sport. Even if you can't have sport sessions in groups with your usual club because of the current situation, you can still find a way to exercise (do push-ups at home, go for a run on the weekends, take your bike to go to school of you don't live too far away). And if you are not really keen on sports, even dancing can be of some help. What I mean by an activity is not necessarily a sport. If you love drawing, then challenge yourself to do a certain number of drawings each week, or a different style each time. This way you do something for yourself and when you achieve it, you will get a good sense of fulfillment. The same goes for photography. You can also read books (I am sponsored by neither Mr. Leah nor Book in Bar), your reading times can be a great moment of relaxation, as you can 'escape' from the world. On top of that, it can give you a broader culture and maybe some elements that you can use in essays as references (don't do it for that, though). This is already quite a long part about activities and I don't want you to get bored so let's move on.

2/ Plan ahead 

You've probably been told a couple of times already that organization is key in the OIB. I don't mean to be redundant, but it is true. As it's a little difficult sometimes, here's what I do. Every weekend (usually on Saturday mornings), I take a sheet of paper and write all the things that I have to do for the following week. I can't post a picture here because I write in French on them (😲). What I do is start with the little things, like some exercises, and then move to the bigger things (essays, revisions). That way, I'll have more things done quickly and I can highlight them (that's how I mentioned that it's DONE). When the page is all pink (which is rarely the case), it's cool, and otherwise, I tell myself that what I already did is good, and I generally complete the rest during the week. It's satisfactory to cross something out of my list, and by writing everything down, I don't confuse myself and say East-South instead of South-East (you won't understand it's normal). 

3/ Spend time with people close to you

Obvious, isn't it? Well, no. It's something I do, and I think I'm not alone. I tend to spend some time alone, and not with my friends or family when really I should. What I'm saying is scientifically grounded, as studies have shown that people who have some good relationships like friends, family, or even romantic relationships tend to be less depressed and happier in life. So, having people around you who make you happy or whom you just like to spend some time with actually is beneficial. And don't restrict your friends to the OIB only, open up! These people who are close to you will also help you take your mind off all your work and the stress from school.

At last, there was something I wanted to mention, even though it is not linked with school directly but with your life in general. Don't waste your time on people who don't deserve it. Try to keep as far away from problems as you can, don't trigger them, and if faced with some, try not to respond, and if not possible, respond with calm and composure. We are in a section that is demanding as it is, and no one really needs more stress, pressure, or anything that can worsen your life really. Stay away from toxic relationships, and if you're the toxic one (which I hope none of you is), think about the other for a moment and back away, they don't need you if you're only gonna bring problems to both of you. Grow up, it's not of our level to act like junior high school students.

On a more positive note, I hope this was useful to some people, and that some people actually read this post. 

See you soon, 

Inès B.


  1. That last part hits different 💯💯💯💯

  2. where's my credit for "EAST SOUTH" ?? Genius

    1. All credits go to Calie for "east south", I repeat: ALL CREDITS GO TO THIS VERY CLEVER PERSON

  3. Thank you for reminding people to stay out of the water ! It's important in a difficult context to remember what's good for us :/ thanks again :)

  4. Thank you.
    I am in second and I am starting to feel the pressure of the OIB.
    It's a lot of work but I really enjoy the classes and I guess everything will be okay if I am organized ☺️
