Monday, December 07, 2020

Drunk , in moderation ?

 Hey Charlie ! How are you guys :)

 I've missed you so why not write another blog?

This time it's a movie review , really excited for this one ! I've recently ,and thanks to this movie , been enjoying watching some independent less popular films and it's been quite interesting. 

As you read in the title , the movie is called "drunk" also called "Another round" or " Druk" in Danish. It's a movie my good friend Adel and I watched at les variétés before the lockdown :( And we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into haha 

It's a dansih movie directed by Thomas Vinterberg , it's a provocative premise about four High-school teachers who try to keep an alcoholic buzz . Thomas Vinterberg basically took science and made it very fun ( tragic too but no spoilers) to watch !

It centers on Martin played by Mads Mikkelsen whom already worked with Thomas Vinterberg on " The chase" , Martin was once a star instructor but is going through some sort of vaguely passive midlife crisis; he’s become a bored, ineffectual shadow of himself, and part of the problem is that he doesn’t even realize he’s sleepwalking. He sits in front of his social-studies class, in an unbuttoned plaid shirt worn over a T-shirt, trying to connect with his students, but they’ve stopped responding to him. So has his wife, Trine (She works a lot of night shifts, maybe by choice.)

One night, Martin goes out to a restaurant with his three teacher buddies, who are celebrating the 40th birthday of Nikolaj. The liquor is flowing: a velvet-smooth Russian vodka served with caviar, a red wine that got a 95 rating from Robert Parker. But Martin is drinking soda with lemon! His excuse is that he has to drive home and still has work to do. Martin, says Nikolaj, is just so sensible, adding, “But the question is, what’s sensible?” He cites the theory of a Norwegian philosopher and psychiatrist, Finn Skårderud, who says that it’s sensible to drink. All the time. That's when it gets interesting 😅

Skårderud claims that humans are born with a blood alcohol level that’s .05 percent too low. That’s one or two glasses of wine, and he says that people should drink to that level and maintain it. He says that if you do, you’re more relaxed and poised and musical and open. And more courageous. the prospect of a drama devoted to the creative use of drinking sounds like an intoxicatingly perverse idea ( in a good way)

Martin and his friends agree that they’ll go to school and try this out as an experiment, recording the results as if they were composing a scientific research paper. This movie is a scientific research paper !

Quick note : 

The cinematography is amazing , I completely love how the camera is used 

Danemark looks unbelievable 

Great soundtrack → listen to "what a life" by scarlet pleasure , it'll certainly get you moving ;)

Voila , I hope you've enjoyed reading about this crazy but original movie , it I'll be hard to watch it with this lockdown but still , keep it on your watchlist you won't regret it . 


  1. I won't ask this out loud but do you think we can find it on streaming?

    1. ( you shouldn't haha but yes it's out there )

  2. OOh I saw this film and it was indeed great! The death of their friend was sort of a climax which I found quite symbolic since it really showed the total absence of limits they had and thus how far this could get... and the music was so great!! I had the idea of doing a "shazam" in the room and then just told myself that the title should be "What a life" since they just kept repeating it on and on for the whole song... anyway! Great article btw.

    1. EXACTLY , I did the same thing for the song haha ! The death was indeed extremely tragic , I was mad it got that far :/ thanks for reading and I'm glad you've seen it too :)

  3. I've seen this movie, and when I came out of the cinema, I just was not sure of the message delivered. But actually, now, in hindsight, I really liked it ! I also absolutely love the cinematography, some shots were amazing ! "What a life" is indeed a great song, and the very last scene (no spoilers for those who haven't seen it,don't worry) is absolutely amazing and fits it perfectly ! Your article is really good and I hope the people who haven't seen the movie will watch it thanks to it :)

    1. I absolutely adored the last scene , I really wanted to dance with them but that would be awkward in a cinema full of people hahaha thank you for the kind words I'm glad you liked it :)

  4. Hey, I just read an article about "What will masculinity look like in a feminist society ? ». It was talking about "Drunk" as an example. I was surprised to understand a new dimension of this movie. As the director reminds us, the main theme of the film isn’t alcohol but the way in which four white men decide to define what it means to be a man after failing to become the first model, manly, referring to the model of the hero. Another thing I realized is the fact that society makes believe to men that they will have power. However, when they discover it concerns only a few of them, a frustration is born and it may generate violence. Anyway, your article really completed my reading !
