Sunday, December 06, 2020

another book review...

Hi Charlie ! So in case you haven't had enough book reviews here is an other one for you : 

It is on Occupy by Noam Chomsky, a book I have read recently for Mr Leah. Occupy is a short study of the Occupy movement. It is a presentation of the reasons and the requests that the people who protested had and Chomsky's thoughts and remarks about the Occupy movement. First, there is an introduction by Greg Ruggiero explaining the movement in general, when and why it started, the consequences it could have on the long term … and basically praising it. Then the second part is the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Chomsky gave at Occupy Boston meeting, a speech he made in honor of Howard Zinn who died before the birth of the movement but would have loved it, the third part is an interview of Chomsky with a New York University studient, the fourth is the text of the InterOccupy call with Chomsky by Mikal Kamil and Ian Escuela, the fifth part is an interview of Chomsky at Maryland University and the book ends with a tribute for Howard Zinn and the National Lawyers Guild's advices for the protesters.

Since I didn't know much about that movement, here is a little explanation : the Occupy movement is an international progressive socio-political movement that fights against social and economic inequality and the lack of "real democracy" around the world. Its first purpose is to advance social and economic justice and build new forms of democracy. The movement has had many different objectives, because local groups often didn't have the same focuses, but its prime concerns were and still are about how big companies, corporations, and the global financial system in general rule the world in a way that benefits only a very small minority of people, the 1%, and disadvantages the rest of the population, the 99% creating huge inequalities between them. The first Occupy protest to get real attention from the medias was Occupy Wall Street in New York City's Zuccotti Park. It began on September 17 2011. By October 9, Occupy protests had spread : they had taken place or were ongoing in over about 950 cities in about 80 different countries and in over 600 communities around the United States.

I enjoyed this book because it made me learn about an important movement that has been taking place for the last few years and that i hardly knew anything about. I like that we get Chomsky's impressions and his point of view of Occupy, he is revolted by the current inequalities and places a great hope in this move. Reading it made me think about how our society works and all the injustices around that subject. It wasn't easy to read, i did get a bit bored reading the differents texts and interviews but it was interesting and not very long so i am glad I chose this book.

I would recommend it if you are concerned about socio-political matters and/or if you are interested in the Occupy movement (of course), or if you want to educate yourself on our society's way of functionning.

Enjoy you reading and have a nice day !


  1. cool! i love political books so i think i’m gonna read it. did you returned it at the library ?

  2. I don't read political books that much , almost never , well some books happen to bring up some political science or discussion but I've never read a book where politics are the main focus . I'm not sure what I should expect but I'll definitely try to do some research on a possible read :) thx
