Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Desperate Housewives

 Hi Charlie, 

maybe you don't know but I'm a big fan of TV Series, mostly detectives, medical and fantastic series, but the one I will talk about under here is : Desperate Housewives

This dramatic/humouristic takes place in Wisteria Lane, Fairview, a little city in America (it's of course fictive, it doesn't exist).

Mary-Alice, a 40 years-old woman, killed herself for no evident reason. The whole quarter was in schok, especially her husband. 

After that event, we follow the stories of her 4 friends:

-Gaby (Gabrielle), a very young and very rich and egocentric girl married to a rich bussinessman

-Bree, a mother in confrontation with her 2 troublemaking kids

-Lynette, a mother extenueted by her 4 small children, she leads the house and decide everything, even for her husbnad

-Susan, very clumsy, very funny, in searching of love and hapiness after her divorce with Karl, a real unfaithful man

Some extract here (in french sorry, couldn't find videos of quality in English): watch it, it's very funny!!!


This TV Series may seem a bit weird or too kitch, but Is it so funny and full of emotions!!! 

It's actually broadcasted on the TV, on th M6 canal (from 11h45 to 12h30 for each new episode, before, are broadcasted the old ones). We are in the beginning of the 4th season now (I think), but that is not a problem, you can still watch it on Replays, the pleasure will remain the same, I assure you!

Thank you!!!


  1. I heard of it , it's a big American classic but unfortunately I haven't watched it but thanks for reminding me , I'll make sure to sneak an episode or two during these holidays :)

  2. Your article just reminded me that I have the first season at home but I have never watched it ! When I as younger my mother used to watch it in the evening and the generic made me want to watch it too, but I was always forced to go to bed... The time has finally come ;) Thanks for not giving any spoilers by the way.

  3. I made shure to had this add to my "to watch" list ! thank you for the reminder !!
