Saturday, September 26, 2020

Rebeka Warrior !!!

Rebeka Warrior, also called Julia Lanoe, is a French singer, musician and DJ. I like her music so much I'm listening to her while writing this article (is this a mise en abyme ?) . She forms part of several bands (Mansfield Tya, Kompropat and Sexy Sushi, in which she took the name of Rebeka Warrior)  and she collaborated with various artists such as Flavien Berger (a singer and DJ), Adele Haenel (an actress, who notably protested against Polansky's nominations at the Césars) and Madben (a DJ too). 

Mansfield Tya:

Mansfield Tya is the result of the association of R.Warrior and Carla Pallone, playing violin, piano and singing, among other sings. The band has been qualified of "minimalist, punk and even wise" in a France inter programme. They made four albums, the first two ones ( Seules au bout de 23 secondes and June) being mostly composed of poetic ballads.  The classical instruments (mostly violin and piano) highlight the melancholy and the beauty of their lyrics. The electronic and indie side strengthen in 2011 with NYX and with Corpo Inferno in 2015. Inspired by diverse styles such as folk and indie pop, their work  sometimes made me think that I was not listening to the same artist from one song to another... The fact that they write in both English and French also creates a great diversity.

I'm living on a boat, around me, 
the tempest
I made with clouds a coat
And with raindrops a dress - On a boat, June

If you like poetry, I'm sure you will like Rebeka Warrior, especially in Mansfield Tya !! 


Vitalic, R. Warrior's duo in Kompromat, described this band of "philosophical" post punk. It's a mix of electronic sounds, sweet voices and poetic lyrics in German and in French. The band started in 2019 with the album Traum und Existenz  (dream and existence in English). It's their only album for the moment. 

Les nuits sont longues mon amante
Comme une ivresse obsédante

Diese Nächte sind ein paar Augenblicke der Ewigkeit

Le long du fleuve mon âme sœur
Du haut des cimes aux profondeurs - De mon âme à ton âme, Kompromat ft. Adele Haenel

De mon âme à ton âme is one of the songs in which Rebeka Warrior refers to love, a recurring theme in her work. 

Sexy Sushi:

In this project, Rebeka Warrior and Mitch Silver use electronic music to denounce everyday life issues with a lot of humour. They don't hesitate to use swear words but there is always a serious dimension in their work. 

The gap between the deep and solemn Mansfield tya's songs and the crazy Sexy Sushi's satire makes Rebeka Warrior a completely versatile artist. For example the song Pour oublier je dors in June talks about a man who killed his wife and it's a very touching song. On the contrary, the song Rien à f***** by Sexy Sushi is an (ironic) homage to the music industry. This diversity of styles is the reason of my admiration for Rebeka Warrior !



  1. It is crazy to see how this artist has such eclectic styles ! I discovered Mansfield Tya and I loved it, so thank you.

  2. You're welcome :)) indeed, eclectic is a good way to qualify her work

  3. Hello, I discovered an artist I didn't know before so thank you for your article. It is surprising to see such a complete artist playing with different genres of music. I really liked the extract of Sexy suchi's song so I am going to listen to it right now (is that a mise en abime too ?😅)

  4. Wow , it's an explosion of genres!
    Great discovery , very nice lyrics , that with the style of the music songs is just a perfect ensemble . Thx :)

  5. I really love Sexy Sushi and Kompromat. And Vitalic, the DJ Rebeka Warrior has collabored with is what I always had in my ears since I was... two years old actually !(children songs weren't what I was fond of as a little girl)
    So good you made an article about her and her projects because her music is really interesting !
