Sunday, September 13, 2020

Why you should go thrift shopping

 Hi Charlie! It's my first article on this blog and today I wanted to talk about something I started to do not so long ago: thrift shopping!

 So here are the 6 reasons why, I think, you should go thrift shopping :


It's ecofriendly ! Fashion industry is very polluting ( it produces a huge amount of carbon emission and it pollutes oceans with microplastics ). The best way to stop that is by hindering fast fashion ( all the brands like P&B, Zara, H&M and more ). I say that we should stop buying from those brands but it's super hard for me as well. Anyway i'm going to try to stop this year because it's killing our planet and the best alternative to fast fashion is...... thrift shopping!


It's not expensive  When I say that thrift shopping is a good alternative to fast fashion, I mean that your wallet is not going to see the the difference. Thrift shopping is usually cheaper than fast fashion ( if you go to the right stores ) and there's often a section in the store where everything costs about 1 euro. And if you like more expensive brands like Levi's or Lacoste, you can find some items at a very reasonable price.


It's fashionable  As you know, many trends from the 70's, 80's and 90's are coming back and there's no better place to find vintage clothes than a thrift store. And if you don't like vintage clothes that's ok, there are plenty of thrift shop that sell more modern clothes.


You'll have a unique style Yes! You'll have unique clothes ( which is kind of cooler than having the same t-shirt as everyone else ).


It will stimulate your creativity I know it sounds weird but ear ( or read ) me out : the only bad thing about thrift shopping is when you fall in love ( no, I'm never excessive, never ! ) with the perfect piece of clothing in the universe ( still not excessive at all  ) and it doesn't fit. Well buy it anyway and let you creativity do the rest. You can find many cool ways to change that into an even more perfect cloth.  And here are some youtube channels I like for thrift flips ideas : bestdressed ( in English ), Jenerationdiy ( also in English ) ans Clara Victorya ( in French ).


A much metter quality than fast fashion If these old clothes have made it through all these years then they'll be fine for many other years in you wardrobe.

And I couldn't finish this article without giving you some cool  thrift shops to try in Marseille ( I haven't been to all of these stores but I asked some recommendations to my friends ) :

Marcel & Simone : 30 rue des rois mages 13006 Marseille

 Mélanine : 10 rue des rois mages 13006 Marseille

EMMAUS : 6 square Stalingrad 13001 Marseille

Humana : 105 rue de Lodi

Mad Vintage : 17 rue Saint Féréol 13006 Marseille

Common : 13 rue des bergers 13006 Marseille


So I hope you enjoyed this article. Let me know if I've convinced you to try thrift shopping or if you know other nice shops in Marseille.

bye ! Juliette :)



  1. Your article is great !!!!!!!!!
    Is true so many people just by their clothes in random shops when they could get probably better quality and cheaper pieces !
    I personally often get clothes in a thrift shop and I love it i get unique pieces that are second hand so it’s muuuuch better

    1. Glad you liked it:) Maybe we can go thrift shopping together later in the year?

  2. Giiiirl! Mad Vintage is closed for like two weeks now!
    I haven't read the article yet but I'm going to, I just saw Mad Vintage and I had to tell you that it's closed so here I'll come with another comment after reading the article x)

    1. You just learned me something lol x)

    2. I didn't know it was closed ( but I stayed at home for the past two weeks so i have an excuse )

  3. Yessss !! You are so right !
    Most of my clothes are from thrift stores too. "Common" is a great shop, glad you mention it :) I also often go to "La fille du Selecta", which is in front of "Marcel & Simone" <3 Too bad "Mad Vintage" is a little bit expensive though

    1. I loooove Common ( I think it's my favorite ). A friend took me there last time and i tought it was so great but I'm broke so i just bought weird glasses:(


    3. yes!! they have so many weird glasses! mines are round and the glass is yellow ( i look a bit like john lennon when i put them on so i thought it would be a cool halloween costume)

  4. Ok now I've read the whole article.
    So YES thrift shopping is a really good idea, I'm 100% with you. Also YES I know this feeling when you fall in love with the perfect piece of clothing, you are not alone.
    And finally, we should thrift shopping together, like with some people of the class or of the section (or even of the school) and go to some vintage stores, it would be fun, don't you agree?
    Thank you for your article btw, now I'll find great clothes in great stores :)

    1. I'm SOOOO in for the "thrift shop afternoon" it would be so great and I'll bring some friends:)

  5. Yesss! I'm trying to buy more from thrift shops now because of its eco-friendly aspect, and I've actually found so many cute clothes that I alwaaayyys wear

    1. wanna join the "thrift shop afternoon"? ( it's not organized yet it's just a plan )

  6. Ooh yes an article about thrift shopping what a great idea! I only started thrift shopping recently but it is soo cool and way better than going to the mall (in my opinion). Also thanks for the list at the end I definitely use it <3

  7. Well done, Jukliette for your article combining fashion and eco-friendly practices. In general, recycling and reusing is always an excellentand definitely stylish reflex in my opinion

  8. Thank you so much much for this article ,very informative and true! Also it's so cool to give places to shop thifted items (I try to thrift too but sometimes I feel like I dont know the right places ...)
    I really agree with you on the fact that it Can stimulate our creativity!

  9. Thank you for putting some adresses in your article, it is very thoughtful for us who thift shop ! I agree with you, it's eco friendly and good for your wallet haha! you can find amazing vintage clothes and you don't destroy the planet with overconsiption

  10. Finally an article about thrift shop! Thank you for putting the adresses down, maybe I'll go there one day... who knows. Thrift shoping is really the best thing to go shop, if you find the right clothes of course.
