Monday, September 14, 2020

Django : humor and great characters to serve the reflection

            Recently I’ve watched a movie that became one of my favorite, it’s called Django. I want to share my feelings and my observations about this film with you. 

Django is the story of a black slaver to whom his freedom is returned by a white bounty hunter named Schultz. The main plot of the film is the epic that Django leads to find his wife. I love it for many reasons, Django is an anti-racist movie which makes a lot of criticism about the black slavery in America.

It has been directed by Quentin Tarantino who is an innovative and engaged movie maker and producer. He has made other committed films like Kill Bill which fights against male domination. 

Django has been criticized when it was released because of it’s extreme violence. 
But according to me this boundless violence is one of the most important point of this movie. Indeed we feel pleasure and satisfaction while Django kills slavers or racist white people. It’s the revenge of slaves against slavers in some way. 

Nevertheless this movie was a huge success, it is the film by Tarantino which made the most money. Personally, I liked this motion picture for its suspense and the charisma of the main character, Django. I also loved the reversal of situations which are frequent and which reinforce the dramaticity of the of the film.

I deeply recommend this movie for those who are not sensitive to violence. Also because of the links between the theme of the film and what’s happening now in the states with the black lives matter movement.


  1. I saw Django this summer! Loved it :)

  2. Nice recommendation :) I'm going to watch it this week I think

  3. What a coincidence, I was going to watch this weekend because of another article on the blog !!

    1. Update : I finally took the time to watch it during the holidays. Maybe I am the only one, but the blood effects made me laugh a lot because they are way too much exaggerated. Apart from that, I loved this anti-racist movie.

  4. everyone recommends me this film, i think I'll have to watch it! thanks for your article, it seems great

  5. What would our blog be without a regular Tarantino review? Thank you for rising to it, Nino.

  6. You just wrote an article about my favourite movie, what could I say more !!
    The way Tarantino exaggerate the violence is mind-blowing, the music of the movie is also incredible !!
