Monday, September 14, 2020

The importance of pronouns


Hi Charlie !


For my first article I wanted to talk about something important to me so of course this is related (somehow) to the LGBTQ+ community !


Today we’ll talk about pronouns and their importance. But first you may ask, what are pronouns ?

We all have learned it at school, it's a little word you use to reffer to someone or something. When you refer to someone you usually use she/her, he/him and they/them but they're not the only ones that exist they're also neo pronouns and others. Oh and it's totally valid to be comfortable with more than one "type" of pronouns you absolutely can go by she/them for exemple.

If you don't know how to use some pronouns this could help you! (these aren't all the ones that exists)


 So yeah, we all have pronouns but do you know why it’s important to ask for someone prounouns instead of assuming or why you should have them on your profile in all socIal medias ?

First we’re gonna talk about the importance of having them on all your social medias’ profiles. Earlier I said this article was related to the LGBTQ+ community so this is why : at first trans people put their prounouns to avoid being misgendered but there’s a little problem. Because of that it was easy for transphobic people to find transgenders and misgender them, say mean things (that's totally stupid I agree). So, we have to normalize putting our pronouns to help them and just because it sucks to be misgendered even if you’re cis.


When I talk about trans poeple I talk about the whole spectrum so it includes people who identify as genderqueer, gender fluid, demi girl, demi boy, agender, a trans man or woman or others.

(If you don’t really understand the trans spectrum this could help you)


Also when you meet someone, ask for their pronouns don’t just assume it’s disrespectful and it can hurt people ! But don’t just say « What are your pronouns ? » always say yours before !! So it looks more like that : « I go by they/them and you, what are your pronouns ? ».


So yeah I think it’s all ! I hope I was clear and that you understood all the things I said, if you’re confused about anything just ask me and I’ll try my best to help you. Also if i made any mistake please correct me ! J


Never forget that you’re valid whatever your pronouns, ily have a good day and please smile you’re beautiful !!!


PS : My pronouns are she/her.

PS 2 : This video is really great so if you need more details watch it!


  1. THIS is so interesting! Thank you for making this article, pronouns are really important and we should be aware that we have to ask people their pronouns.
    The umbrella "drawing" is really good btw and it makes the trans spectrum really simple.
    Thank you for making this article (again).

    1. Thanks for the nice things you said and yeah I totally agree I'm glad I was able to found this image!

  2. When I saw “the importance of pronouns” I was like : whaaaaaat ?? But your article on pronouns is much better than any grammar lesson ;) I’m so glad that you are all interested in LGBTQ’s community because it is a subject I really care about

    1. Thank you for saying that my article is better than a grammar lesson!! And I'm happy you care about this subject because it's definitely not my last article about it!

  3. OH my GOOOOD I'm so happy to find another LGBT article ! Anyway, your blog post is great, I'm actually cisgender, but I think it's very important for transgender or non-binary people to be recognised and loved the way they are. Everybody is valid !

  4. This is so important and interesting! Thanks you for educating me on this subject, its si helpful :)

  5. Thanks for the lesson ;) it fells great to learn about that. I also think everyone should put their pronouns in their bio or something because I'm confused as hell when i don't see their pronouns now and it's really important to support the trans community. btw I go by she/her :)

  6. there is so much article on the community and i’m like- thank you ! 🥺

  7. I'm so happy to finally read a blog about LGBTQI+! I think it is really important to talk about that and it is, espeially in our time, essential to know all of that. So thank you!

  8. Well done son, my buddy is da best on the market

  9. As a language and literature teacher, I am fully appreciative of the beauty and significance of grammar and diction and I commend you for your focus on pronouns.I am delighted to read all the positive feedback your article is receiving from the generation Z on this sensitive topic.
    As part of the older generation X (I'm counting two generations back), I would like to add a bit of nuance. I'd like to remind all of you that this willing acceptance does not entirely reflect today's society; so tread carefully. Always be true to yourself and fight for it but when demanding respect, remember to grant the same respect to others who might feel differently from you and make sure that your beliefs and actions do not trap you into a box or reduce you to a label because we are all so much more than that.
