Monday, March 16, 2020

Camelexit, welcome to dromedaries.

Charlie, I have to apologize. I called a dromedary a camel, a few hours ago. Imagine I called you Henry or Lucy (no sexism !) rather than Charlie ! Would not you be completely disappointed ? You would. I know your relation with camels and dromedaries. Charlie, a camel is not a dromedary nor is a dromedary a camel. I’m sure you have understood that there is a major difference between the two.
One has got one hump while the other one has got two humps.
Let's try :

 Can you find again which one is which one ? I hope you may. The first one is the dromedary while the second one is the camel.

All right Charlie. I'm now going to tell you why it's important to differentiate the two. Even if we have laughed a bit up to now,
we should now focus.

The origin
First of all, they have got very different origins. One is from Asia while the other one is from Africa. Don't ask me which one : first of all I don't know and second of all I honestly don't see how you could ask me why : send me a message asking "where do camels come from ?" honestly, I feel protected.

The humps
The dromedary has got one single hump while the camel has got two ones. That's pretty easy to differentiate right now. So, if you make again one mistake, count on my friends to :

 What best than this GIF picture to introduce the topic of violence and personality ? The dromedary is way more aggressive than how camels can be ! Dromedaries are known to be extremely aggressive, as you may see on the picture... camels are way "nicer" and quiet.

However, dromedaries tend to carry people more than camels because they are more resistant due to the "conception" of their body...

There is also a difference of size : indeed, dromedaries are big bigger than camels. However, for the weight, it is the contrary : camels are heavier.

Charlie, you will have understood it... nothing very serious in my words here... (if you something more serious, check out my two last posts). I just wanted to play this little joke about the French expression, which we'll try and make more English now : "don't behave like camels". I heard it quite a lot these times and I'd like to apply it to us here.
We are in the middle of a coronavirus crisis. We should all be more responsible, and not behave like animals. Some are trying to help us, and we should follow their rules in order to protect us, but more generally and more importantly the others. I'll look like stupid stating again what has already been said many times, but for once that it is extremely simple to act very positively : do it. Just stay home and you will save lives ! Is not that wonderful ? What is even more wonderful is that humans, at this time, do want to get outside. I know it is really tempting, but, well... a few weeks in a life which could end quicker than expected for many people if you get out, what is it in the end ? Nothing. Stay home and act wisely. Act for the others. Act by not acting.

To relate that again to camels and dromedaries, as Montaigne would talk about "Cannibales" in an essay about cars, or rather the contrary..., these animals have got two humps which hide resources and an energy which they can use in case of difficulties. I think humans can do the same. Even if they have no physical hump, they have a sort of energy they can take out of their mind... Show everyone, show us, show me that you have this very energy I'm mentioning !
We'll all get out, together, of coronavirus.

Call dromedaries dromedaries and camels camels. Thank you.


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