Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Little women

Hi guys! Today, I want to talk about one of the best movie I've ever seen, Little Women.

It's an adaptation of Greta Gerwig. The movie takes place in 1860. A man goes to the war and leaves his four daughters and his wife. They meet the neighbor, Laurie, and his grandfather. In fact, the whole movie follows the life of the family, but particularly the life of Josephine, or "Jo" who wants to become a writer, which is a little bit difficult at the time for a woman. But she wants more than anything to be independant, to earn her money and she doesn't want to get married. During the whole movie, she tries to sell her stories, while being very close to Laurie. The movie talks about love, family, disappointments, determination, and feminism.

What I liked the most: 

First, before seeing the movie, I knew that Timothée Chalamet and Emma Watson were in, and I love them so much that it gave me the envy of seeing it. Also, I really like the style of the era like the beautiful dresses and way of life. What I loved the most is the independance Jo wants to have and her determination. I also liked the different love stories between the characters because I'm a fan of love movies, especially between Jo and Laurie, even if it's very ambiguous but you'll see. At first, I disliked the movie because of the sad ending but in fact it's just because I cried a lot, and I always dislike the movie at first when I cry, and then it becomes one of my favorite. But I highly recommend you to see it, because it's an amazing movie, it's feminist and shows difficulties women could encounter. And I think what makes the movie alive is Jo's determination.

Just look at their costumes!

Why you should see the movie?

You should see the movie because the relationships between characters are just amazing, because Josephine fights for her independance, because Timothée Chalamet, because the costumes are incredible, because it encourages you to believe in your dreams, and for people who think they need to be in a relationship, it shows that they don't.

My favorite moments of the movie are apparently the saddest (SPOILERS)

The first one is when Laurie tells Jo that he loves her since the first time he saw her, and she says that she can't be with him because she doesn't want to be in a relationship (I can remember the words "I love you Jo! I love you!").
The second moment is when Jo learns the death of her sister, she is in her sister's room, but she doesn't see her so she goes downstairs to see if she is here and she sees her mom, but Beth isn't here :(
And the last one is when Laurie's grandfather is standing in front of Jo's house, and he can't enter because he doesn't want to be there without Beth (Jo's sister) who died, because he considered her as his daughter, who also died a few years ago.
These moments are for sure the most moving, and that's why they are incredible.

You should watch the movie, I mean you must! I think it's one of my favorite, and I'm goign to buy the book soon (yes, I didn't read it yet...) Hoping you will enjoy or you enjoyed!



  1. Am I the only one who always mixed them up in the beginning, and/or thinking it was the same person at just different stages of her life ?

    1. Nop you're not, I thought it was from March P.O.V. at the beginning.

  2. Greta Gerwig is amazing, I really love the camera work and color schemes in her films (Lady Bird was a really great film, go see it if you haven't done so yet)

    1. Yes it was a great film, and Saoirse's performance is pretty good

  3. timothée chalamet my love

  4. What an amazing movie, I loved it too ! Such a crazy casting, Emma Watson, Timothée Chalamet, Saoirse, Florence Pugh, Laura Dern... I agree with you about the beauty of costumes and decors. Unfortunately, the women blooming issue is still current and Jo is one of the first protagonist. As she did, we have to fight to achieve our dreams !

  5. I've read this book several times as a girl. I have a soft spot for it. I loved this film too. I thought this adaptation was much better than the previous version. It was much more personal and modern as the novel was when it was first published.

  6. I'm so happy I was able to find this article! Little women is one of my favorite ( if not my favorite) movie. At first I wanted to see it just because of Timothée Chalamet but when I read the synopsis and saw it dealed with feminism I was even more excited to see it. I agree with you when you say it's one of the best movie you've ever seen. The costumes, the charcters, the cast itself, the plot...everything about this movie is just incredible. I have the book but haven't read it yet and I can't wait to do it!

  7. Great aeticle! I loved the movie as well ( I think it's one of my favorite now ) because I can relate to the characters so much. I also love the cast of the movie and was so sad that they didn't get any Oscars. I really like the director of the movie because she wrote and directed Lady Bird ( another movie with Timothée Chalamet and Saoirse Ronan ). I bought the book and I just can't wait to read it!

  8. I already wanted to go see it ,but now even more thanks to you!
    With the pictures we can already see that the film is beautiful ,I already read the book too so It would be a good idea to go see the movie
    Thank you for this article
