Tuesday, November 05, 2019


Hello Charlie, for my first blog, i would like to talk about a fair in Marseille called Savim that you can attend twice a year in march and november at Parc Chanot.

So what is SAVIM ? SAVIM is a festival for food addicts ! There, you can find organic products of at least 450 winemakers, porkbutchers and cheesemongers from all over France.
Personnaly, I tend to go to the November edition as it falls around my father's birthday.
Great way to celebrate! Our favorite thing is trying all kinds of dry and soft sausages since we don't find that  easily in the States. The downfall of tasting free samples is that you have to listen to the vendor's attempts at selling their expensive merchandise...they can be quite pushy and disapointed if you don't buy.
Every time that happens, I feel like i'm leaving my cat at home while i'm going out to have fun.
Nevertheless, SAVIM isn't only about eating exquisite food, it's also about bonding. Everybody there is nice and you can spend a great time simply discussing with people you just met. Every stand, every sausage and every bottle of wine has a story behind them, you just have to ask for it.
Each time I go, i'm always glad to notice my best-loved booth that sells crazy types of dry "saucissons"such as the tapenade one.
All in all it's just a fun place to be to enjoy yourself while tasting free samples of anything you want !
Plus, you can purchase totally new products you didn't even know existed to share with others.

Vaughn Kopecky


  1. you talked about food.
    I'm here now. give me. i'm hungry. give me the food. NOW! ALL OF THE FOOD ! GIVE IT TO ME !

    1. SAVIM is free you can come and eat ez pz lemon squeezy
