Tuesday, November 05, 2019

My favourite TV show of all time !

Howdie Charlie !

In my first blog article I will present you my favourite TV show of all time.

Pimp My Ride

The show consists of Xzibit the host of the show and also a famous rapper pimping cars with his team that are close or ready to be thrown to a dump. The TV show has 6 seasons with 69 episodes of 20 minutes each and its last release date was on the 30th december of 2007. The funny part and the one I enjoy the most about this show is that they take the pimping to another level by adding some useless things such as video consoles or giant speakers.
Some loud speakers there ! the neighborhood must be ready !
Will you have a look at that car Charlie ? The best beach car you can ever find !

And of course I won't leave you there without sharing with you my favourite episode of this show :
Episode 5 season 2 However I couldn't find it without the german subtitles sorry for that.

Hey I hope you enjoyed my first post on the blog I've enjoyed doing it 10/10 would do again.