Friday, November 29, 2019

Classical music in a great movie!

Hi Charlie! 

For my second blog article I wanted to talk about a film based on a real story that particularly touched me and its link 
with classical music.

The movie poster of The pianist       

As written above, the movie is called The pianist, and is directed by Roman Polanski. The main character which 
represents the pianist Władysław Szpilman (I will not try to pronounce it) is played by Adrien Brody. You can see even 
in the title that the film is (obviously) going to be about music, and that it has a very significant role. I tried not to include 
too much spoilers even though I advise you to go and watch it, you will not regret it!

Władysław Szpilman                  Fryderyk Chopin 

The action is taking place during the Second World War, in Poland. It is about a Jewish family that tries desperately 
to escape from the war, but the plot is all centered on Władysław Szpilman, a great and recognized pianist.

From the beginning, the family is discriminated  because of their origin. The germans took everything, nothing is left,
not even the main character’s piano. They are forced to leave their small apartment in a hurry, to move in the area 
reserved to Jews. 

All along The pianist, he sees terror, fear and sorrow. People dying everywhere, and he almost becomes used to it 
as the story goes on, or at least he gives less importance to the death of people around him. But it has an impact 
on the way he plays, because he really is expressing his feelings through the music and by no other means.

There are a lot of Chopin’s pieces in the film, as he was a great polish composer who was born in Warsaw. 
It has its importance because in the first scene and second time afterwards, Władysław Szpilman is playing live 
Nocturne in C-sharp minor (by Chopin of course) on the radio in Warsaw.

One of the most popular scenes is the one in which he plays Ballade no 1. This moment links two people that 
don’t even speak the same language, even though they are perfect strangers to each other, they share the same 
interest for music. 

I recommend you check out these music that are played in the film (I didn’t put the scenes of the film on purpose, 
not to spoil anything and moreover it is the opportunity to discover new interpreters). 

-Nocturne no.20 in C sharp minor by Chopin, and performed by Wladyslaw Szpilman himself!

-Ballade No.1, Op.23 in G minor by Chopin again (my favourite one out of the fourth ballades he wrote and the 
most famous one) played by the amazing pianist, Valentina Lisitsa:

Finally, here is a movie that you might like if you have enjoyed The pianist: it is called Schindler's List (yes I know 
it is very famous but if you haven't seen it already, go watch it!) with very moving soundtracks as well. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you will go and watch this amazing movie if you haven’t already!



  1. Hum... I don't know if I am suprised by this choice of yours to present this particular film. Anyway, interesting, thank you for having shared.

  2. Amazing soundtracks are the cherry on the cake of great movies.

  3. I didn't knew this movie but you made me want to watch this one. I've watched a lot of movies about WWII and this particular film seems very poetic. I like the idea that music can replace two different languages . Thank you for your article!
