Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Find / make your Halloween Costume

                                Hi Charlie !

Well, halloween is approaching so I decided to write my first article on this famous though not so traditionnal anymore party.
I have not the greatest costume ideas or experience of all time but I would still share my point of view with you. So you don't have to follow my advice but you can still complete them or add points in the commentary section below.
I will focus on less-known points that deserve more attention according to me.

Use accessories !

Accessories are essential but often forgotten because like me you probably choose your costume the day before in a hurry. Realistic accessories will make people doubt and peek in multiple times at your costume which is the main goal. Fake blades such as plastic knife and axe stabbed in your head or arm, using latex to make an open scar in your skin but also fake blood.

The image is willingly not explicit
I don't recommand vampire teeth since they are unpleasant to wear. Don't make people react and prevent you from speaking correctly. It's clearly not worth it.
If you really want to go further out contact lenses have a great spooky effect on other people. They can hurt and but if you regularly wear some for sight problem then it's not a problem. Please be careful where you buy them and put them safely.

Don't hide your face, make fun of it !

Skeleton, Ghost or Scream's Mask costumes are outdated. Be yourself and let people recognize you. Use makeup to transform into your own spooky form. During the party show your funny faces and break down social barriers. Don't stop until without any mask we can't still recognize you which is pretty paradoxal.

Be as creative as spooky

As I said in the previous part ; be yourself is important affording to break down social barriers.
If you choose a character, do it wisely and be original. It may be the first that appears in your head.
Don't let you be influenced by anyone else (well you're reading my article but we'll disregard this tiny detail). Wait, before you go too far in your imagination, don't make the classic mistake and don't forget the number one rule : you need to be spooky ! It's so obvious though often forgotten.

Well you have all the keys my spooky-friends :-)


  1. A very useful article, mainly because the OIB Halloween party is coming and I am sure that some people (like me) do not know what they are going to wear at this party.

  2. oh no, seems my costume for the halloween party is going to break the number one rule :/ lmao i'm going to be wearing it anyways cause my mom spent months creating it from scrap sooo
    and thanks i'll use this article for another time!

    1. Nevermind the number one rule, in that case it's important to be thankful to your mom by wearing her handmade costume

  3. Very useful recommendations but I'd say the number one rule for Halloween is enjoy!
