Sunday, December 17, 2017

Christmas party coming on!

Hey Charlie,
One more week until the holidays and even fewer days before our Christmas party. Let's get ready for Christmas fun!😍😜
You of course need to be in the right mood, so here are a few tunes
We'll start with some dedicated to our Terminale students and Munro fans.
and just for Judy because I didn't let her play it in class as much as she wanted...

I know this is very traditional and might be going over-board on the Christmas side for some of you.
So for an out-of the box vision of Christmas, do check this link
Warning! Expect to be surprised and possibly put into some sort of shocked Christmas daze.

As you all know, Christmas is also the time for good ol' Christmas cracker jokes so here you go  and some more. I challenge you to use as many as possible during the Christmas party.

This is also a topic much discussed by comedians.  I chose this one, because, if like me you've just  started wrapping your gifts, you'll most likely relate ( Sorry for the language that slips at time) and think of the person whose lucky enough to have me as Secret Santa and who will be able to admire the resulting handiwork. 😅

Now, let's get down to the party prep business.
Here are the team details so that you guys can start interacting and preparing.

Decoration team:
Julie, Lisa C (?), Ange (?), Lili, Chiara, Alessia, Ana,  Selena, Esther K, Martha, Balthazar, Anissa, Zélie, Antoine (?)
You'll be in charge of collecting or making the decoration (If necessary, it can be stored in the 305 cupboard), putting it up and then down and making sure the decorations are returned to their rightful owners.

Room preparation & cleaning-up
Adrien, Kellian, Julien, Sabrina, Angela, Lola, Lisa A, Inès, Toni, Ivan, Rym, Santa, Sibylle, Abdel, Kayna, Bilal (?)

You are to move desks and chairs so that the exam room is turned into a proper party room and then back to a proper exam room. It is essential that we leave the room as clean as we found it.
We'll try to get at least one broom and a garbage bag from school but if some of you could bring sponges, dustpans and brushes, you could all work at the same time, it'll help save time and energy.

Judy, Felix, Amma, Emma, Lalita, Malka, Celestine, Yasmine, Gaby (?), Marilyn (?), Lino, Gabrielle, Thelma, Mathis, Erin, Hadil (?), Yann (?)
 Music playing and singing (live, karaoke...), jokes, games (I can think of a few if you're clueless but I'm sure you'll have plenty of ideas), dancing....
You are to make sure we all have a great time together.

Food & gift organization:
Matteo, Alberta, Fanny, Irène, Mara, Silène, Theo, Mathilde, Keira, Esther T, Tamara, Iska, Violette, Anna, Eve, Martha
You are to make sure that everyone brings something and if possible that it's not all the same.
You are also to make sure that the food doesn't all get opened at the same time and monitor so that everyone can enjoy themselves but  we do not waste any food. Bring some foil, so that left-over goodies can be distributed among yourselves and hopefully, we'll also be able to donate some of what is left unopen to those in need. I know some of you have connections and can organize it.
The Apeevim has put a certain number of soft drinks from the Halloween party aside for us, you are to get in touch with them about it asap, so that you know if any extra drinks are necessary.
You are to remind everyone to bring a picnic cup and a plate (we will not be using disposable ones, we're going to try to be as green as possible)
It'd be great if everyone could also bring cloth napkins but just in case plan for paper napkins. Bring some foil so that those who want to get some leftovers
As for the gifts, you are to organize a gift ceremony for your year group and make sure that all the gifts are put aside and handed out while maintaining the mystery. Some students will sadly be unable to attend the party, you are to make sure that they are  still part of our Secret Santa  and can give and receive their gifts even without being present.

Official photos by Silène, Alessia, Celestine, Emma, Lili, Chiara.

For things to run smoothly, it is essential that you get in touch and start communicating asap. You can use the general Halloween email.
I'd like each team to choose a captain ( a trio, 1 from each year group) and notify me below asap.
I'll ask the captains to give me an update on the organization front by email on Tuesday night.
I'll also be able to tell you by then whether you'll be able to set-up and decorate the room during the lunch break or during the afternoon break.

I've put a question mark next to your name when you were unable (or have forgotten) to register when I asked. If you have major issues with the team that has been assigned to you, please notify me below.

See you soon for some Christmas fun!
Mrs. C.

PS: For the record, if you type "Christmas" in our blog search box, you'll find tons of great Christmas-related articles, go for it!


  1. It doesn't bother me to be the "captain" of the entertainment team :)

  2. I can be the captain of the food and gifts team, but are people supposed to bring snacks because the party si not at lunch time if I understood correctly ?
