Sunday, February 07, 2016

Postcard from Ottawa

 Maman, Louise Bourgeois, National Gallery of Canada

Dear Charlie,

I am sure you are fully enjoying the start of the holiday
Just a little note and  a few photos from Ottawa to let you know that I am well and not yet frozen (contrary to what some students feared. )
I spent the whole day on Friday at Hillcrest and it was wonderful to get the opportunity  to meet our Canadian partners face to face and not only screen to screen.  Hopefully, next time I won't be just me. Fingers crossed.
Here are a few facts I already knew and I've confirmed:
Canadians are some of the nicest and friendliest people I know
Ottawa is a lovely city in every season.
 What is mild winter weather to Canadians is actually quite cold to me. 
The Canadian breakfast plate at the restaurant could feed 2 people but I ate it all and it was delicious. When in Rome….
I am not cut out to be a lumberjack or confront a grizzly bear. Snow that glistens and looks icy is indeed totally frozen and slippery and it is not a good idea to take a short cut through it.

There's a lot more on the agenda next week. I'll keep you posted.
Take care,

Hillcrest view from Ms. Crichton’s classrom 

Pancake feast  
Standing in front of Parliament 
Ice sculpture foreshadowing my fate?
Having tea with the Canadian suffragettes 

Views on the Ottawa River


  1. ;_;
    I need to get a ticket to Ottawa right now

  2. Hopefully, you'll get one for next fall. ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. I understand your disappointment, Judith. But you will be embarking on other OIB journeys.

    2. I know, and it will be sooner than for the secondes !

    3. Hello, Judith of the past... guess what ? YOU ARE GOING TO OTTAWA !
      (will anyone ever see this comment ? Who cares ? It was so satisfying to write it)

  4. Thanks for those nice pictures! it gives me already an idea of what I'm waiting for!
    Enjoy your trip! :)

  5. Ottawa looks amazing! I hope we'll get to travel there next autumn. Enjoy your stay in Canada!

  6. Ottawa is so beautiful even though it seems very cold, and those pancakes... Thank you for your amazing pictures, I hope we will have the opportunity to go there too!

  7. Have fun up there !
    I hope that we'll one day meet our new friends... and especially to eat pancakes like those ones !

  8. Great pictures, hope you had a nice time there :) The pancakes looks DELICIOUS *-*

  9. Great pictures, hope you had a nice time there :) The pancakes looks DELICIOUS *-*

  10. Ottawa seems great (and cold!!!)! I would have loved to see Louise Bourgeois' famous sculpture! Enjoy your holidays, bye :)

  11. Ottawa looks like a very cool city. And it sure seems to be cold in winter. I went to Canada once and it's true that Canadians are very friendly people. I really hope we'll have the chance to go with the class and meet our correspondante.
