Wednesday, February 03, 2016

★ Blackstar ★

Hey Charlie, 
I wanted to talk about a sad event, almost one month ago, the 10 of January, I guessed you all heard, David Bowie died. 

    I was sad about it because I really liked ( I still do ) him. He is such an amazing singer, his a genius. I'm gonna present you, my favorites song. I believe that Bowie is indeed a black star. I think it's one of those artist you can't ignore. I'm not forcing you to like him but I think there are some things you must hear, and know. 
     Bowie created almost one character, one look for each album, in 1983, with the album " lets dance" he is him self, and says goodbye to all his previous characters. In Blackstar, his last album, he planned his death, and if you listen to the lyrics carefully it's really moving, and impressing. What is fascinating with those characters is that each time the tour of the particular album ends it's the last tim he appears dressed like him.It really immortalize the image of the character. 
He wrote just too many great songs so I made ( it was hard ) a top 3 of my favorites song. 

This song is just great, if you ever feel weak and sad, listen to it and you'll see it will cheer you up ! You may know it from the movie " The perks of being a wallflower", (originally it's a book) it's the tunnel song ! 

This clip is known for the make up he wears. We could qualify this song as weird, I think the arrangements are not usual , but that is what makes the song special.The melody is heart breaking, after listening to it, we all wonder is there a life on mars? 
The last one is, a duet with Queen, this song is amazing and It's really interesting to see the mix between Bowie and Mercury. When Bowie starts singing, we really recognize his style, and the melody represent him so much. 

There are many greats song, "Starman", "Let's dance", "Space oddity", " The man who sold the world", "Rock'n roll suicide" and others ...
Anyway, Bowie was great, is great, I hope he'll say hello too Lou( reed )! 
Lou Reed, Mick Jagger and David Bowie at the Cafe Royale in London. So many greatness in this picture ! Hope you liked my article, Bye !! Alberta✿


  1. I love your articleeee ! :D (as much as I love David Bowie !)
    And the think I love the most in this article is... Under Pressure ! This song is just amaziiing guys ! So moving, so Freddie Mercury, so David Bowie, so goooooood ! Insanityyyy laughhs under pressuuureee we'reeee crackkiiiinnng (with my great french accent and my singer's skills!!)
    Thank you Albertaaa :D

    1. I am afraid I share your bias for David Bowie and Freddy Mercury. How about you write an article on Queen? It would do us all plenty of good to hear more of their music.
      And I'm looking forward to hear your singing performance. :-)
      Mrs. C.

    2. Good idea ! I might write an article during the holidays, either about Pink Floyd or Queen !
      And for my singing performance, ask my neighbours and my family what they think about it... You'll change your mind very quickly :')

  2. Really cool article, thanks !
    All the songs are amazing and I can't decide if I prefer Under Pressure or Life on Mars. Of course I knew Matteo would go crazy over Freddie Mercury ! Anyway, David Bowie is such a unique artist and will be remembered.

  3. How did you know ? 😏😏 I've never shown my love for Freddie Mercury, or any other band... Have I ?

  4. Thanks for the article! I love "Starman" most, and the album "Hunky Dory". One positive to come out of his untimely death is that my five-year-old daughters have become fans of DB too. Their personal favourites are "Kooks" and "Space Oddity". I also recommend checking out some of the films he acted in: "The Man Who Fell to Earth", where he plays an alien (he was made for that role), or "Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence", a Japanese film called "Furyo" in France. He also played Andy Warhol (the title of one of his songs) in "Basquiat", the biopic of a New York painter.

  5. Thank you so much Alberta. I was also deeply touched by David Bowie's death. My own personal favorite is clearly Space Oddity. The music and lyrics move me to tears every time I hear this song.
    Here's the original video
    With lyrics this time
    When I heard of his death, I couldn't help thinking that Bowie has now definitely become Ziggy Stardust and has joined Major Tom in the stars.
    I agree with Mr. Leah. I am happy to see new generations including our own children discovering and liking the artist and the man.
    Mrs. C.

  6. I'm so glad you wrote something about Bowie (I wanted to do so but I had to much work lately). David Bowie is my very first idol, with Claude François (hum, hum... yes i know) thanks to my parents and I felt like someone of my family had passed away when he did. The sad thing is that he is dead, the "good" one is that some people (who didn't know him - yes it exists) will now discover him and his incredible music/talent/virtuosity. Thanks again for this article!

    PS: one of my favorite song is Suffragette City:
