Saturday, March 28, 2015

Networking Thursday

Hi Charlie,

I'm here to share with you our last meeting at the Belle de Mai Media Park.
We were 7 from the OIB : Ajna, Agathe, Beverly, Gaetan, Nathan, Quentin and I.

It was an evening where people have presented their interesting project, for example there were projects about electric cars, LED Lights, video games or again about the discovery of regions in France. After their 3 minutes of presentation, we've discussed with very nice people like Rebecca White, Gaetan and I were discussing about studies in England and in France, we were saying that the mentalities were quite different, she told us that in England people are more united than in France where according to her, french people are more individualist. She was very touching when she told us that she was a little bit sad that her children won't know how it is to live in England, to live with this culture. She was so confused about her two cultures that she made me think of Sujata Bhatt's poems.

Personally, I've found this evening great and if I have the possibility to do it again, I'll do it without thinking twice.

Goodbye Charlie,

Manon (:


  1. It was a great time indeed, I learn new things and talking entrepreneurs was great... And if I had to do it again I would do it without hesitating :)

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