Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Unbroken - Louie Zamperini's story

Last week Loredana and I went to Pathé Madeleine after school to watch the movie made by Angelina Jolie:

UNBROKEN (Invincible in french)

This is a biopic on the athlete Louie Zamperini (1917-2014) who has been a prisoner of the japaneses during World War II.
He was an Olympic distance runner but when the war starts he had to join the army.
One day Zamperini and his crewmates had to search for a lost aircraft and crew, but their own plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean. He and two of the boys of his crew survived and stayed 47 days in the Ocean until they were found by the Japanese Navy.

Louie Zamperini's story is really moving (it actually made me cry A LOT, which I agree is not a reference) and absolutly well realized by Angelina Jolie. I also found the actors excellents !

I recommend this movie to everyone because the plot is beautiful and also very interesting (we will never have enough knowledge !!) and the movie is truly amazing !


  1. Seems to be very good movie, maybe I'll go watch it. I also like Jake O'Connell, the main actor

  2. It seems good, I will maybe watch it !

  3. It was a very inspiring film and I think that this kind of story makes us realise that we are lucky to live in a country and a time where there is not such things as war or dictatorships. Instead of complaining about "minor" problems in our lives sometimes we should be more positive because it could be worse.
