Saturday, January 17, 2015

Intersection drama!

Hi Charlie,

Those previous Thursdays were particularly nice and funny.
Before the Christmas holidays, we began a special activity with the others sections, Abibac and Bachibac. We had to draw a place and create a scenario based on it. We had to describe the landscape in our language, and make the German and Spanish speakers understand, but we also had to get what the others were saying about it, with gestures and a lot of funny faces! Then, we have to film the "play" with us as main actors!!

Personally, I got the place "Les Calanques" and my group has had the ingenious idea that we MUST film the "play" in the Calanques, without forgetting that we have to drown ourselves.. aha let's get ready for the coldest water of the year.


I think it is a good idea to work with other sections, but it was difficult to imagine something funny together. Yesterday, we went together to the Wilde room to work on the "play" and we had lot of fun it was great !




  1. It was a great project and I loved work with the persons of the other sections ! It was really interesting :)

  2. It was a really funny project ! It makes us meat people from the other sections, and make me practice my spanish (wow, I can present myself, thanks college..). Our script was great !

  3. I liked being a part of this project. It was a really good idea because it allowed us to know each other and to work together even if not everyone could speak German, Spanish or English but it's interresting to see that we can create something even if de don't speak the same language
