Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 Ah... football. More than a passion, for some people it's a true reason and way to live ! Every match is an opportunity to let the heart beat as fast and loud as the rythm of the various chants. And we have the chance to live in a time where this sport is at its most popular, it enables us to be all reunited for one reason : our city, or even bigger, our country ! Football reunites, football makes you proud, football makes you burst in tears like it makes you shouting all your lungs your joy.

(note : don't ever tell me this sport isn't great)

Did you know the first ever football match was played on December 26th, 1860, between Sheffield FC and Hallam FC ? And did you know they played with sixteen players in each team ? Of course, you didn't. Now, you do.

Some maybe think football has been created in Brasil, for the logic reasons that in this country, it's a true religion. Well, football takes its origin in England, with far away roots in China, Mexico and moreover Italy. Six years after the fondation of the oldest club in the world, the Sheffield FC, eleven other clubs create the Football Association, which is still in place nowadays.

For the Premier League, also known as the greatest championship in the world, its creation goes back to 1888. Football has been considered as a professionnal sport for now three years, only in England. The first season of the "PL" has been won by the Wanderers FC. And then, until now, Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea, and many other legendary clubs widespread through the Premier League and the second division, the Championship.

Personnally, the only club I do support and love from the bottom of my heart is our dear Olympique de Marseille, but I like Manchester United and sometimes I watch some Ajax Amsterdam games. On the other hand, I hate Tottenham and Paris (of course) because they haven't any weight in the football's history of their country !

Thank you for reading this article, which is my very first (applause) ! I hope you found it interesting :)


  1. In spite of some people's best effort to get me interested in it, I have to admit that I'm not really keen on soccer and I'm no great fan of all-night honking after a victory However, I'm glad you're sharing this passion of yours with us. Your historical take is interesting and I'd be really interested in learning more about why we're expected to hate certain teams or players. It (shockingly?) all seems the same to me.

    1. prithee calleth not t soccer Mrs C, t'is football

  2. Interesting article. I see you have an interest towards Manchester United, as does Mr Leah. I'm almost offended that you haven't spoken of Arsenal F.C (aka the unbeatables, aka the best club) but I'll put it down to the fact that we needn't mention them as everbody is aware of their supremacy.
    Nonetheles it was a nice read.

  3. Sick blog bro, OM comes first!!! Mr Leah's going to love your take on MU.

  4. Sick blog bro, OM comes first!!!!! Mr Leah's going to love your take on MU.
