Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Canadian food:
As absolutely everyone in the OIB knows, Adel Liza Jacques Nino and I just spend 6 weeks in Canada, and for the few that know me personally, the subject of Canadian cuisine was of course what I will choose to write a blog! So, here it is, 5 traditional Canadian "dishes".

1.Thanksgiving dîner;
After 10 hours of plane, with a 6 hours jet-lag, I got up in the morning at 5 AM thinking it was 11 AM. My first day of Canada was the biggest holiday in the American culture, ThanksGiving!
The tradition of ThanksGiving gets his origins in the 1620's, when the british Pilgrims went to America the first time, they were lost and starving, and the legend says that they found Turkeys and feasted with the Native Americans who saved them by showing them how to crop food on this new land.

The meal was composed of different dishes. Firstly and obviously, roasted Turkey, the biggest bird I've eaten in my life, who comes with a gravy sauce, (a sauce made with meat juice and fat). Secondly, we could see different vegetables, such a cauliflower and roasted veggies set. We also had mac and cheese, a sort of poutine with mashed potatoes, and a lot of different random dishes that i can't perfectly recall. For dessert, we had a blueberry cake, a maple sirup cake (everything in canada is maple sirup flavour), and ice cream.

2.Tim Horton:
Tim Hortons, how could I talk about Canada and food without mentioning Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons is a former famous hockey player whose name became the name of the biggest coffee place in Canada, which is often called "the canadian starbucks". This very popular place is a nice and welcoming warm place where every Canadian teenager goes at least once a week? There, you can get simple black coffee, as I do, or delicious flavoured hot drinks of all kind to warm up your cold canadian days. This places also serve food, mostly cookies, donuts, and muffins, but also actual meals and breakfast. My favourites are, with no hesitation the "French Vanilla" (that isn't a thing in France obviously) which is a really nice vanilla hot drink, and the maple-sirup donut, simply because it's delicious and a funny representation of the Canadian maple madness.

3. Poutine:
Poutine? The Russian president? Nooooo, this is Poutine:
Firstly and to make things clear, the name poutine comes from the english word "pudding" who was adapted in Quebec french, as Poutine is a Quebec dish. Some of you might know what this delicious dish is, but let me explain for the few lucky that are discovering it. Poutine is simply a dish composed of French fries with gravy and melting cheese curds (a Canadian cheese unknown in France, disgusting everywhere except poutine). This is honestly one of the fattest and most filling dishes I've ever had, but it's also amazingly good and surprising at the first try.

4.Beaver Tail:

The first time I heard about Beaver tail, my reaction can seem logical: « Who would ever eat a Beaver‘s tail!!!? » but after learning that it was a traditional delicious Canadian dessert, the only thing I wanted was testing it! The beaver tail is obviously named after its resemblance with the national animal's tail. But of course no one ever ate an actual beaver tail, the dish is in fact  a nice fried doe stretched in a beaver's tail form and fried, on which you can put more or less everything, such as nutella or sugar in the picture.

5.Junk food:

I would like to finish with a simple compilation of all the junk food that I've experienced there, as one could easily describe all American food as junk food.

Mac n cheese hamburger.

American pizza.


Mapple sirup Popcorn.

All you can eat madness.


https://www.blogger.com/video-thumbnail.g?contentId=fe5339c67cd0f273&zx=i62yhpl4stcFried chicken

Thanks very much for your time, have a nice day dreaming of Canadian food!


  1. I would have to add to all that the Tim bits. They go with Tim Hortons but they are really great.

    1. I had the chance to try them too but couldn’t fit them in the blog! They’re great thanks for reminding me!!

  2. Dude... I'm hungry now. Not cool. Not cool at all

  3. I already wanted to go to Canada and now I want to do so more than before.....and I am hungry but it is just a detail

  4. I don't know if you want to travel or eat lol great to have you back

  5. Interesting focus. Were you hungry when you wrote this? You certainly did not seem to be while in Canada.
