Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Writing stories ( or at least trying to )

Hi Charlie !

I have to write my first article on the blog, so why not sharing one of the things I love doing the most : writing stories !
There are always thousands of things in my head ( and some must definitely stay in it ), and one day I had this wonderful idea to take my computer and spend afternoons writing them ( but of course I never let anyone but my parents read it because I'm not confident enough... lol ) 
Writing is definitely something which helps me a lot with my relationships and with my life in general, it brings me a lot of joy but there are still things that happen and that I hate when I am writing. 

And I give you, ladies and gentlemen... 

- The curse of the end : I don't know if it's just me, but I am in fact rarely able to finish a story. Even if I am very near from the end, I'm likely to give up all my current work to start a new idea who seems sooooo amazing. I guess a lot of my characters will never forgive me to never finish their stories... 

- My dear inspiration : I have a very complicated relation with my inspiration. It always comes when it wants and only when it wants, which easily includes chemistry class when I definitely can't write a story on my copybook, or during night when I desperately try to sleep. But strangely it's never there when I am bored at home with nothing to do. 

- School work : As I said before,  it is complicated between my inspiration and I, and of course everytimes I have to write something for school, I suddenly have no ideas at all.

- Killing characters : this point is both something I love and hate doing. First because writing a death scene is really pleasant ( I swear I am not a psycho ), and also because there is nothing you can love more than killing this horrible character that you hate so much ( like Peter in Harry Potter ). But when it's a character that you enjoy writing about and love, it's very difficult to kill him, it's like killing your child ( okay not that much... )

- Losing the control : yes, even if I should normally be able to write exactly what I want, I sometimes read what I am writing and I don't even know how things became what they are, but it is definitely not what I wanted. 

- Is it really mine ? : I sometimes have this fantastic idea which seems perfect, and I just keep wondering " is it really my idea or did it come to me because of something I have read or watch recently ? ". We can’t help ourselves, there are always many chances that our work is influenced by something we like. 

- Finally... the end : The first thing I wrote in this list was about not being able to finish my stories. But I also have to admit that when I eventually end a story for real, I can’t help feeling a little sad. Because while writing, I always learn to love my characters, their universe and their relationships.

I have now finished that list and even though I have complained a lot I assure you that I really really love writing stories. It helps me to feel free, it helps me to understand myself and it helps me to clear my head a little.    

Thank you for reading my article, I hope you enjoyed it. If by any chance you would like to write your own stories but you are hesitating, just do it ! You don't have to show your stories, you can keep them for you if you want, and if you are worried about the quality of your work, don't think about that. I don't even know if my stories are good, I don't even consider myself as a writer, I just love writing so I do it. 


  1. I also write stories so I also knows these beautiful things which can happen to you when you write stories, but I think that without all these aspect, writing stories will lose its charm.

  2. I... rarelly write anything down... just kept it in my head. that's why world building is one of my favourite things to do.
    but when you just create a world or a campain... there is never an end. And the only end might be death but it really isn't. The actions have consequences. the repercussions are endless.

    but gg for having the will to write your ideas for a story

  3. Thank you for sharing this very precious part of your life.
