Saturday, February 17, 2018

Jul > y'all favorites


everyone that know me a little bit knows that my favorite type of music is rap; french or american
so i'm gonna talk about it today cause I think this genre of music is super underrated and despised and it would be cool if we could make a Music Club about rap (hey marylin).

I grew up hearing all sorts of music but mostly arabic and oriental in general, I deeply love this type of music and my family is really into it as well as dancing, my family is really filled with artistic souls, it's crazy (actually my young brother is the best at playing karkabou, a famous african instrument) and I actually discovered rap music in CE1, my best friend was into Diam's, "la patronne du rap français" as my sister would call her. She was the one who made me discover this universe and that was the beginning of longs years where I found what made me happy. Music. I loved music since the my childhood and would dance everywhere all day long but rap/hip-hop is the genre of music who truly motivated me to practice my passion. I still love dancing to oriental music but oriental is more a genre that I feel in my heart and mind while rap/hip-hop is a genre that I feel in my soul and that's two different things and people who watch me dance usually tell me that I add an oriental touch in all type of dances that I do, i don't know if that's true but It makes me smile whenever someone tells me that but dance and oriental music will be the subject of another article, let's focus on rap for now!

my favorite rapper since his beginning is Jul, I know that I might be kicked off the OIB section for liking him but idc he's still the love of my life, I love him and his music and I truly feel like all the hate that he gets is exagerated but hey haters gonna hate, and he's from Marseille so every true Marseillais  should support him, i mean our football team is shitty but y'all still support them, so why not Jul? btw did you know that my sister's boyfriend is actually a really good friend of Jul so I get to see him for FREE everytime that he does a concert  hihi i know u mad.

more seriously, rap/hip-hop is an awesome genre and it is music so you should stop despising this type or this type of music because it is "not real music", everyone has the right to have their own type of music and if they like it and get hyped up by it then good for them. Music is all about that, creating an union between people and not separating them, and that's the beauty of music for me.

To end this article on a good note, here's my favorite music at the moment, give it a try!

xoxo, Abdel


  1. and ur mine <3 (well after Jul ofc)

  2. I heartedly welcome your boldness

  3. You have all my respect��

  4. Thanks to your article I gave it a try and I don't hate it. I actually could listen to some of this rap in my free time (I already liked russian rap). So thanks, it's courageous of you to talk about Jul here

  5. Very funny article (made me actually laugh out loud). I personally listen to jul too but lets just say it's a part of me I'd rather keep to myself haha... But I do think you're right, he doesn't deserve all the hate he gets I feel bad for him

  6. First of all I would like to say that I aswell really like Jul and think that his lyrics are sometimes touching and that he doesn't deserve all that hate. Secondly, he is one of the french rappers that works the most and who releases the most songs. He also deserves all thoses fans and attention.
