Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Hey guys! Never been that productive on the blog! 

Today a small article about the Model United Nations Club (the debate club) which is run by Mr Leveque on Tuesday. This club is a simulation of the United Nations. If you’re interested in politics and diplomacy it’s basically made for you! 
In a nutshell, a specific topic is chosen and a country is attributed to you. Then, what you have to do is make some research about your country and his diplomatic relations in order to represent it as closely as reality as possible. What is really interesting is all the part about having to adopt a specific policy (which sometimes can really be opposed to your own ideas and point of view on the subject). For example, representing France or representing North Korea is totally different : you will not have the same point of view and definitely not support the same countries! 
I had the opportunity to go the MUN session which took place in Luynes last year. It really was awesome, indeed it is a great opportunity to meet people and improve your oral skills. I was representing Italy and was in the Security Council Committee. This year, I am going to Lyon for the ILYMUN and will represent Sweden in the Human Rights Committee. 

If you are interested in participating in the MUN club you know where to find us! 



  1. It's so important to see a question from all sides, even North Korea's, well at the moment especially North Korea's!

  2. It is important to mention that the MUN club is pretty addictive once you get involved into it. I was scared the first time to talk under the name of a country I barely don't know about, but actually it was easy to take part in the debate. This is something I recommend to all the OIB studentd because it also helps to understand your history/geography lessons in using some elements you learnt into your argumentation. It is also good for improvisation because you have to answer some questions that you didn't think about, but we all know that being in the OIB also mean being good at impro :p

  3. I want to be in the debate club! I think that’s one of the best ways to improve my English.. And being like in a huge meeting with all the nations is awesome!
