Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hillcrest Highschool

Hey Charlie! Here is an article written by Lisa, Adrien and Eléa about our school in canada: Hillcrest HighSchool.

We wanted to talk to you about our canadian school experience!!!
Indeed, our school was Hillcrest and was SO COOOOL!!!


Here it is! Great, right? It is actually huge!!! You have a music hall and a gymnasium that looks like the one in High School Musical. You also have a cafeteria, and two others music rooms( filled with dozenses of instruments ! and you are totally free to play them when there is a break at noon , I (Lisa) got the chance to play some xylophone and  piano and I ( Eléa) got the chance to play some piano and guitar.
We went a lot to the band and orchestra. What is fantastic is that the school lends you an instrument for 3 years and then take it back. It is cool! Everybody learns to play and it sounds actually very good!

Here is their symbol. Their mascotte is an eagle also.
The three of us have a mug with this symbol. I (Lisa) am so proud to drink with it. I feel more… canadian ;) And I (Eléa) never have the chance to drink with it because my brother always takes it before I do... :/

Also there is a reverse OIBlick program ovethere , because I (Lisa) was in changing classes on the afternoon to go with the lower level and they took a french course which was all lesson ( actually biologie and gym) in french ( more quebecois) and I( Adrien) thought it was funny to have this kind of french in such a far place of our home. 

For me (Eléa) I took an art class that was great. The whole room was decorated with big posters and paintings and during the lessons, we had different subjects and then we were completely free to do whatever we wanted to do. It wasn't that different from art in France but it was less about technics I think. Anyway, the teacher was passionated! 

Also, it wasn't just the art class that was decorated but the whole highschool, with photos of the students and paintings on the wall. I think this is much better because the students feel  more at home, it is more personal, and the school becomes their place.

I (Adrien) also wanted to talk about an association that we met called "Me to We" . The three of us participated for the movement  “walk for water” which was pretty fun , we carried out some big empty bottle of water and went to the nearby river , played some games with a lot of people participating and took pictures , after the games we went back to the high school with the bottle filled up with some water and we poured the water in the garden of the school. .

 Finally, on the last day in school, I (Eléa) went to the linkcrew meeting. They explained the project, which is to have linkleaders who can help the new students that are younger on their first day of school. They can talk to them, make them feel less stressed, introduce them to new people and help them in the school. It adds an idea of equality between the different classes and ages, and the new students are less lost. It is an interesting project that we would like to do in our school in France.

To conclude, Hillcrest is a great highschool that is involved with many associations, and that is careful about the students and their well-being. More than a school it becomes a place where you can work, practise your passion and create projects. It is a place where there is a lot of diversity and where you can be yourself.

Eléa, Lisa and Adrien

1 comment:

  1. Hillcrest sure look nice... But I'm still for Colonel By <3
