Friday, April 10, 2015


 Dear Charlie,

On Monday, I went to the "Baux-de-Provence" to see the exhibition which takes place in stone quarries. Paintings are retro projected on the walls and the floor and are animated. There is also music, it creates a very mysterious atmosphere. It is very impressive to stay amongst paintings because as they are moving it's like you literally are in them ! It's well done and the quality of the pieces of art are also very good! This year, it is about paintings from the Renaissance. There were Leonardo Da Vinci, Michel-Ange and Raphael and it reminded me of our History lessons ! There was also an adaptation from Jules Verne's books. It was beautiful and seemed like dreams.

Here are some pictures : 

Goodbye Charlie ! 



  1. Hi! :)
    This exhibition looks great! And this is exactly what we have done in our History lessons :)
    It is open until January 2016. (-->
    So I think I'll go ^^
    Thank you Tara, I didn't know about this exhibition ^^

  2. with my class and the german "correspondants"'we also went to"baux de Provence". I really enjoyed this day because I had the impression to live a dream ! The pictures were everywhere : on the walls, on the ceiling, on the ground...! And with the music, we were walking really in an other world. Sometimes I was nearly scared !
