Tuesday, January 06, 2015


Dear Charlie,
Here's an interesting follow-up to Salomé's article about "Pride". Apparently, American marketing companies have problems with the gay content of the film. Or they think the public can't handle the subject matter! Quite incredible! Here you can play "spot the difference" between the proposed American poster and the original.
Mr Leah


  1. What a shame. That's incredible.
    "The film's synopsis on the back of the US DVD was also changed from referring to "a London-based group of gay and lesbian activists" to "a group of London-based activists"."
    This is stupid and shocking. The fact that they are gay and lesbian IS the topic of the movie. Hide this is absolutely unbelievable.
    Change the cover? The synopsis? Remove the banner, which resume the all point of the film? Well, let's censor the movie!
    This is intolerable. I can't understand how it is possible.

  2. I am outraged. The US version shows the miners as a very small community, and hides the fact that they are homosexuals ? Well, what is left in the movie ? A black screen and a few bribes of conversation ?
    This is yet another reason I'm not interested in going to the US - ever.

    1. Girls, I understand and share your outrage. This censorship by zealot marketing companies and Hollywood "goody two shoes" who think they know better than us what's good for us is sadly not a first and is clearly not acceptable.

      Judith, don't you think you're a bit harsh and quick in your judgement of the US?
      There are indeed very conservative people in the US but also many liberals.
      I think it would be very unfair to say that all Americans are homophobic and intolerant prudes.
      For example same-sex marriages and civil unions or domestic partnerships are legal in many states.
      The USA is a country of paradoxes probably because it's so big and that to me makes it worth visiting.
      You are angry at these prejudiced censors but do not be prejudiced yourself and if I were you, I would actually go to and tour the US before making up your own mind about this country.
      This might comfort you in your initial negative opinion, but maybe not.
      It really depends on where you choose to go and who you meet.
      Let's try to be open-minded, get to know one another and beware of generalizing and one-sided, stereotypical country bashing whatever the country.

    2. Woops, I sounded too negative. Well, I don't really have a judgement this harsh on the US. It's just that I have never been attracted to the idea of going there, and in my anger, I decided to find a cause for it. I'm sorry ^^'

    3. Thanks for the correction. ;p

  3. How ridiculous! I can't understand how the American companies can change the synopsis of the film because the matter of gays and lesbians is the topic of this film!
    If they want to hide this subject to the Americans I find it dumb because if the people are interested in the film they will certainly watch his trailer and discover that he deals with gays and lesbians!
    Moreover I think it's a shame for the Americans;do the marketing companies consider that the Americans aren't able to handle with this topic?
