Monday, January 19, 2015

You may say I'm a dreamer....

Hello Charlie !
At the moment I'm feeling ... Weird ... I think it is the atmosphere of the shooting that happened a few days a go that is really starting to hit me.
So I wanted to share with you this wonderful song by john Lennon. When I start to loose faith in Humanity I close my eyes and listen to this song. It usually cheers me up

I hope you will like it as much as I do ;-)


  1. I love this song ! I also like the Glee version made with deaf people !

  2. Thank you. Julia. I love this song too. I think, it's quite nice that you posted a video with the lyrics, that way you can sing along and reflect on the meaning of the words.
    Tara, I'm not a big fan of Glee but I looked up what you mentioned.
    And though I find Glee still a little too much to my taste and I still prefer the original version. The message is right.

  3. I studied this song in 3e with my music teacher and Iliked it very much. Firstly because I found the lyrics very emotional ; they are a beautiful hymn for peace and it's what the world needs! Secondly, I found the melody of the song great, I liked sing it and hear it! I remember, when I studied this song, I was listening to it everytime!
