Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Charlie Hebdo


Today, 07/01/15, a horrifying crime has been committed in Paris and its extreme gravity was related by almost all the media of the world. This morning while I was calmly listening to Mr. Leveque lesson, three terrorists heavily armed and very well informed made irruption in the Charlie-Hebdo's headquarters and killed the janitor. Then they entered into the meeting room and started to opened fire on two of the major cartoonists: Wolinski and Cabu “ça a duré au moins cinq minutes” says Coco who was hidden under a desk. They killed 11 people,among them the boss of the newspaper, his bodyguard, journalists and cartoonists from this satiric newspaper which, according to them, had insulted Allah. These terrorists then fled in a car and had a little shooting with a police car, and another with two policeman on bike. They wounded one and then calmly killed him.
They were clearly speaking French although they shouted “Allahou Akbar “, which proves that this attack was done by a Islamic fundamentalist group . this is the biggest attack on the French land since 1961. However, nowadays political context and security makes  it even more shocking than the previous one. Thousands of people protested against this act  an unbelievable violence but these killers are still free despite the huge mobilization of police forces.

Raphaël Mussillon


  1. What a horrible thing to be killed because of your ideas... it is ink which has to flow, not blood.
    I hope that the Lycée St Charles will accept our project of drawing gallery in tribute of Charlie Hebdo !

    1. I think you should discuss your drawing gallery project with Mrs. Jan.
      I don't know if you've already seen it but in the school library there is a space devoted to the Charlie hebdo event and free speech on which you can express yourself by writing a message or a quote but also drawing.
