Friday, January 09, 2015

A sort of gratefulness...

What happened 3 days ago is very sad, and since Raphaël and Loïc have already talked about what happened and no need explaining more or adding anything.

But I just wanted to share this, yesterday I was watching the news about what happened yesterday again ( the police woman's death) and all the Charlie Hebdo thing...The  brother of the police officer that was protecting Charb said something that really touched me. He said '' As police men we are doing an extremely dangerous word and I just want to tell my companions to enjoy every moment with their families because at any moment any thing can happen '' it may seem casual and usual to some but that really touched me. As in a manner of respecting and appreciating the work cops do, they are not the most loved people in the world (because of their job) but I just want to say we should be really thankful and grateful to have them. Sometimes we underestimate them, juge them , but they are just doing their work. And I just wanted to add that, that doesn't mean I didn't respect them before but never It came in my mind to think how extremely dangerous their work was ( The cop killed in Paris (the Wednesday event) was shot because he told people not to come out...) this shows how some people are so loyal to their work even in their dying state... (may his soul rest in peace). 

As I publishing this now 3 cops were seriously injured during the assault and more people died ( 4 or 5 for now and I hope that no one dies anymore).



  1. I have also watched the news and heard what the cop said and I was really touched by this too...

  2. He's right when he's saying that they should "enjoy every moment with their families because at any moment any thing can happen". Family is so important. Sometimes we don't realize (or we forget) how lucky we are to have a family, to have people who cares about us.

  3. Yes Angéli that's true sometimes we don't realize that and that's sad...
