Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Dear Charlie,

I'm sorry, I'm sort of ruining the theme of Christmas, but I really wanted to talk to you about this film.

Pride is a movie made by Matthew Warchus in 2014.

Based on a true story, this movie is about a gay and lesbian group who gathered money for the families touched by the miners' strike in the middle of the 1980'. This is the beginning of the campaign LGSM (Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners). This movie is about this beautiful alliance, between the miners and this group, difficult at the beginning, but which was a success.

I really loved this movie, in which play Bill Nighy (Good Morning England, Harry Potter, Love Actually) and Imelda Staunton (Peter's Friends, The Awakening, Harry Potter), two great actors that I really love. All the actors are great in this movie, I really recommend it to you.
If you like English humor, run and watch it! You won't be disappointed!

Here is the trailer :

Hope you like it!
And Happy Holidays!



  1. I have heard about it maybe 4 days ago on Allocine, and I am certainly going to watch it!

  2. My best friend was just telling me that they want to watch it, then I came here on the blog, and saw that the first article was about it. How did you do this *suspicious look* ?

    1. Pride is everywhere!

      (This is the same comment as before, but don't ask how I did it, I deleted my comment)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Do you know if it's still in film theaters because you made me want to watch it Salomé :)

    1. I went to watch it in September, so I don't think so. But maybe you can borrow it?

  5. I watched it yesterday night with my best friend, and now we can't stop ourselves from talking about it at least every two minutes. We spent the whole night and a part of this morning trying to find a bad point in the movie, because the LGBT (at least for sexual orientation queerness) representation is amazing, and nothing is overdone, and we ended up on settling with : the cliché that lesbians can't be girly is not destroyed is the only "problem". But we aren't really bothered by that, so... PRIDE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES NOW.

    1. I'm really glad you liked it!
      Now, this is one of my favourite movies too! :)

  6. It seems to ne a very good film !!

  7. One of my Terminale students presented the film in a mock oral at the beginning of the year and made me want to see it and you've convinced me even more, Salomé.
    I sadly missed it in the theaters, it's on my DVD-to-buy list. .
