Thursday, December 11, 2014

Merry Christmas, baby!

Dear Charlie,
Here's another contribution to our  musical Advent calendar.
Once again, am I unable to make up my mind or am I again not really playing but the rule, or am I?
We said, one song per day. Well, this is only one song. But we were also considering using the date Today is December 11, so I thought I'd be fun to offer 11 versions of the same song. 
As you'll see, the scope starting with the original one ranges wide.
Which version do you prefer? I'll tell you mine soon but I don't want to influence you. Enjoy! 
Mrs. C


  1. I think it wasn't a bad idea to post 11 versions of the same song, I personnally prefer the first two versions and the Otis Redding's version..

  2. Here's a tip : don't try to listen to all of the versions at the same time. Don't make this mistake. I made it, and I REALLY regret it now.
