Sunday, February 28, 2016

The lie we live in

Today I wanted to share with you a striking video which spreads a powerful message.

It talks about the current issues the world is facing. It is questioning our rôle in society, as a worker, consumer, individual.

The video accentuates on the quantity of power given to big corporations and how they arm the world. Going from economical, political  issues to spiritual and environmental issues.

This video reminded me that sometimes we all need to use relativity in our lives. Sometimes we complain too much or we just feel drowned in all the things we have to do. This is when you inner relativity enters in action! This type of video has the power to diminish most of the concerns I have because it makes me feel they are so small in this big world ! It's like we could do anything with positive thoughts !


  1. That video is a slap in the face. But I want to focus on the positive message:
    Let's all in our way "wake up and become the writers of our story" and of the world future "script".
    It's hard to comment without sounding too much like a lecturing teacher, but I think this post deserved an answer.
    Mrs. C.

  2. I agree with most every thing they said in this video. I first I thought "OMG! What they say is true but they truned it in a such dramatic and tragic way!", but then they spread a positive message which reminded me that it wasn't only about blaming but that it was a wake up call!

  3. I agree with most every thing they said in this video. I first I thought "OMG! What they say is true but they truned it in a such dramatic and tragic way!", but then they spread a positive message which reminded me that it wasn't only about blaming but that it was a wake up call!

  4. Certainly, I'd agree that the big corporations dominate the world to a large degree, using that power to damage the environment and exploit people, but we can still fight back, and choose not to support them. Part of their power comes from the idea that we can't do without their products; well, we can, at least to a large degree. A powerful video, but now we need practical advice about what to do, beyond boycotts, for example...
