Friday, November 21, 2014

True Detective, one of the best Tv series

True Detective is a Tv serie about two detectives investigating on a serie of murders. The story is very intriguing, thrilling. The suspens  is heavy because the investigation is complex and lasts the whole season. Unlike other crime tv series as NCIS or Who Are You. 

It is set in Louisiana, creating an atmosphere really morbid and sometimes even kind of scary. The music is great, it truly matches the whole mood of the serie and helps creating this odd tone. 

The relationship between the two detectives is quite interesting: they have absolutely nothing in common yet we see their friendship grow through the years.
It’s rather short (only 8 episodes) therefore each episode is dense in story development. The pace may be sometimes kind of slow but don’t worry it’s still extremely addictive!

It’s starring Mathew McConaughey whom I’m now a fan of. He also starred in Dallas Buyer’s Club and Mud which I both deeply recommend; Interstellar which I really want to see; and Magic Mike, I wouldn’t call it one of his best movie. What I like the most about Mathew McConaughey is his deep voice and southern accent. 

Both he and woody Harrelson are great actors, they truly bring the characters to life.  

What I really liked was the two different timelines happening at the same time: one is set in the 90s (we see the detectives investigating) and the other one around 2012 (the investigators after the case was closed). 

I’m very impatient for the second season to come out but I’m pretty sad the same actors won’t be starring in it .


  1. Sarah, well done your article made me want to see this TV serie ! Do you know why it won't be the same actors starting ? It intrigues me to know x)

    PS : I really like NCIS, it's one of my favourite series !

  2. I think they chose to change tha actors because at the end of season 1 the intrigue is over, therefore they need a new story and new characters..
    Did you know that Woody Harrelson plays Haymitch in The Hunger Games?

    PS: True Detective is 10 times better than NCIS !!

    1. Yeah but I think it's a bit deceiving for fans to see the actors change :/ And, I didn't notice but now that you told me I can see Haymitch's face ^^

  3. NCIS is way better! But I admit this is pretty good too aha

  4. Brilliant TV series (and actors) indeed!
    You might also want to read the book of short stories called The King in Yellow (by Robert W. Chambers) that inspired it all, even though the stories take place in a completely different context.

    Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell are said to take over in season 2.

  5. Great TV series with great actors !

  6. True Detective is amazing! Some of Rust Cohle's lines are extremely interesting ("I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist... [...]"), and absolutely loved the first season! But maybe because I don't love the characters or the story as much, season two feels doesn't feel the same. The casting is great Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams are very good actors but I don't know I feel like something's missing. I kept wanting Rust/ Mathew McConaughey to be back. I think he does too, I believe he said in an interview that he wanted to be back on the show.
