Wednesday, we had the first session of the debate club, which is organised by
Mr Leveque. It was really entertaining and interesting. I believe we were about
ten persons, working by pairs and each group represented a country ; Alicia and
I were the US (YAAAAAYYYYY). The subject was : “ Should Scotland become
independent ?”, and we had to argue with each other about that. Some countries
didn’t agree at all, and it was really interesting to hear them debating.
Thanks to that, I learnt a lot about the countries that were represented.
I didn’t know there were so many rules and
specific vocabulary to know. I had to do a lot of research to participate a
little in this club, but it was worth it because I had a really good laugh, especially when
Céline was representing Switzerland !
At the end of the year, we are going to
have an official MUN ( Model United Nations ), which will take place at the
Lycée George Duby in Luynes. I’m looking forward to it. Creating this club was
an awesome idea and I can’t wait until the next session.
Tiphaine (my account wouldn’t work so my amazing friend Alicia sent it
for me and did it also for the comments)
Indeed, this debate club was really interesting, it's such a shame I had to leave earlier and couln't hear Celine's speech ! Hope the next session is happening soon :)